| - Bast wrote a story parodying Mary Sues in Middle-earth, "Taken Far Too Literally," in which Jay and Acacia guest-star in the end. She also wrote an ode to Bleeprin called, quite fittingly, "Ode to Bleeprin." It was archived here, but is also reproduced below for convenience. Oh Bleeprin, you magical pill! You easily cure every fanfiction ill, From sweet Mary Sue, all covered in glitter To Pippin and Gandalf, slashily a-twitter, Every tenth Walker, each OOC elf, Every middle-school girl who inserts herself, Elrond's many daughters, Galadriel's fairy niece Only you can make the pain cease. Between Abusive!Denethor and Evil!Faramir We'd dig out our eyes if you were not here. From Legolas porn to Aragorn rape And those weird fetish crossovers with Frodo and Snape You blunt all that horror, even Suella Deville Let's hear it for Bleeprin, that magical pill!