| - He was voiced by John Tate.
- A very good tactic to use, would be to make all the musketeers stand ground and use ranged weapons, and order your cavalry to dismount and have them and your infantry follow you to the wagon fort entrance. It is possible to jump over the wagon fort carts with horses, but the AI does not utilize this ability, so you can use this as an advantage as the enemy will only attack from one direction and it is very hard for your units to be routed or flanked.
- A camp is where the castaways reside over the course of 39 days (42 days in Survivor: The Australian Outback). During the first half of the game, the tribes live in separate camps while during the second half of the game, the tribes come together and stay in one camp due to the merge. Camps are usually situated near a body of water like a river, lake, or the sea. The tribe camp has two key areas: Tree Mail, where the castaways are notified of an impending challenge, Tribal Council, or a merge, and a water well, containing untreated, brackish water, which the castaways have to boil before drinking.
- The gang attends Camp Campingston Falls for the summer where they meet with hot weather and counselors that just don't like them.
- A camp is a site where a Clan makes its permanent home. It is where the cats sleep, meet, bring fresh-kill, get treated for injuries or illness, receive orders, share tongues, make reports to the Clan leader or deputy, and have ceremonies. Some cats, such as queens, kits, and elders stay in the camp, while the warriors, apprentices, deputy, and leader patrol the territory and hunt. Each Clan has one camp.
- A camp is a political faction among a Garou tribe.
- Agent Camp was the Head of Site 94.
- [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Camp]] camp, ultimately from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Camp]] campus.
- Synonym: bitchy, kitschy
- Camp invariable Catégorie:Prononciation manquante 1.
* nom de famille
- voir Camping
- Camp has a few meanings in World of Warcraft and MMORPGs in general: 1.
* Noun Any small settlement of creatures, usually the size of a village and smaller than a town, lacking significant buildings. 2.
* Noun Where a mob spawns or where mobs spawn. 3.
* Verb Monopolize a camp. 4.
* Verb Staying in the same area as a player or mob to do the same repetitive actions. 5.
* Verb "Res camp", short for "Resurrection camp", is when a player waits near an opposing player's body for them to resurrect, allowing them to kill the player easily and without warning.
- Camp has a few meanings in World of Warcraft and MMORPGs in general: 1.
* Noun Any small settlement of creatures, usually the size of a village and smaller than a town, lacking significant buildings. 2.
* Noun Where a mob spawns or where mobs spawn. 3.
* Verb Monopolize a camp. 4.
* Verb Staying in the same area as a player or mob to do the same repetitive actions. 5.
* Verb "Res camp", short for "Resurrection camp", is when a player waits near an opposing player's body for them to resurrect, allowing them to kill the player easily and without warning.
- Camp is a character from Sun Probe. He is a crew member of the Sun Probe space rocket.
- . Image:Cquote1.pngI'm gonna camp so I win!Image:Cquote2.png — A noob who has been standing still for 512 hours and hasn't even gotten a kill. Camping is the strategy were Noobs and the n00bs hide from everyone because they're scared someone is gonna fuck their nose in a teabag. This is used so they are in the insane asylum out of society, so if anyone breaches the territory, they will get killed unless the noob picked the worst possible weapons for use with camping.
- To camp a spot, creature, spawn point, or anything of value in game is to wait for its spawn, kill it or loot it, and then wait for it to spawn again. It is basically the same as farming, and is frequently just as unpopular.
- Interprete Lanzamiento Apariciones Duración Álbum Anterior soundtrack Siguiente soundtrack Camp es el décimo séptimo tema del álbum Biohazard Revelations 2 Original Soundtrack. Esta presente en la sala del Modo Asalto. Categoría:Resident Evil: Revelations 2 OST Categoría:Soundtrack
- The term camp—normally used as an adjective, even though earliest recorded uses employed it mainly as a verb—refers to the deliberate and sophisticated use of kitsch, mawkish or corny themes and styles in art, clothing or conversation. A part of the anti-academic defense of popular culture in the sixties, camp came to academic prominence in the eighties with the widespread adoption of the Postmodern views on art and culture.
- Chercher "camp" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- Camps and Rest Stops are minor locations in Fable: The Journey where you can pull off the main road to heal and tend to Seren.
- Camp is the 17th chapter of Sora no Otoshimono manga.
- Camp is a track in the BIOHAZARD REVELATIONS 2 OFFICIAL SOUND TRACK and its SPECIAL SOUNDTRACK reissue. It appears on disc 3.
- To Camp in a MMORPG is to stay at a respawn location, waiting for a monster (or group) to respawn. This does not happen on GuildWars because of the way the game works - GuildWars uses Instances (separate, parallel copies of the game world) so that there are not hundreds of players in one zone all waiting for the same monster. Monsters do not respawn for you until you leave the zone, or (in the case of some foes) are Resurrected by a team member.
- Camping refers to the practice of a resident remaining in one location and not interacting with the world, (often leaving Second Life to run on their computer unattended). These avatars are often derogatorily referred to as "zombies." Linden Lab had strongly been against using the traffic system in this way and, as of June 13 2006, the Linden Lab payout system for high traffic areas was phased out altogether. Camping chairs still remain, though it is unclear for how long, since traffic is still used to denote "popularity" in the current Search system.
- Derives from the French gay community's slang term se camper, meaning "to pose in an exaggerated fashion". The term "Camp" morphed into referring to a sensibility that revels in artifice, stylization, theatricality, irony, playfulness, and exaggeration rather than content, as Susan Sontag famously defined the term in her short essay "Notes on Camp". Don't expect it to take itself the least bit seriously. See also Camp Gay, Macho Camp and Camp Straight. Compare So Bad It's Good and Narm Charm. Not to be confused with the movie Camp Examples of Camp include: