Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir is an upcoming comic series that will continue the story of Darth Maul after the events of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The series, written by Jeremy Barlow, is based on the scripts for un-produced episodes of The Clone Wars, which were written prior to the show's cancellation. It has been speculated that the series will conclude the story of Darth Maul, but this has not been confirmed.Dave Filoni Facebook status on January 10, 2014
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| - Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir
| - Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir is an upcoming comic series that will continue the story of Darth Maul after the events of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The series, written by Jeremy Barlow, is based on the scripts for un-produced episodes of The Clone Wars, which were written prior to the show's cancellation. It has been speculated that the series will conclude the story of Darth Maul, but this has not been confirmed.Dave Filoni Facebook status on January 10, 2014
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| - Star Wars: The Clone Wars
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| - Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir
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| - Jeremy BarlowSTAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS Final Darth Maul Story Releasing - in Comics! on Newsarama
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| - Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir is an upcoming comic series that will continue the story of Darth Maul after the events of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The series, written by Jeremy Barlow, is based on the scripts for un-produced episodes of The Clone Wars, which were written prior to the show's cancellation. It has been speculated that the series will conclude the story of Darth Maul, but this has not been confirmed.Dave Filoni Facebook status on January 10, 2014 The story of Darth Maul picks up where it left off in the show's fifth season. Maul is being held captive on a remote prison planet by Darth Sidious, his former Sith master, and the story is expected to reveal how Maul fits into the Sith plan for galactic domination. Other characters include Maul's army of mercenaries; the Nightsister Mother Talzin; and the Nightbrothers of Dathomir, including Brother Viscus. The story will see Maul leave the prison planet and travel across the galaxy to various different locales, including Dathomir.
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