- Anzu is a "raven god" and a boss in the Sethekk Halls of Auchindoun (on heroic difficulty only). A druid used to have to summon and kill Anzu as part of the Epic Flight Form quest chain, but as of Patch 4.0.1, the quest chain was removed and Anzu is now a permanent boss encounter.
- Anzu is a chūnin of Iwagakure, as well as a teammate of Balus and a co-leader of their 3-man team.
- Anzu, mainly known as Zu, was a demonic tempest bird in Mesopotamian mythology, known for stealing the Tablet of Destinies from Enlil, the lord of the wind. These specific tablets gave the power to whomever possessed them to control the universe. The supreme god Anu promised sovereignty over the gods to whoever recovered the tablets from Anzu. Due to the surviving texts being in fragments, it's unclear to establish the outcome, but it seems that either the god Marduk or Ninurta, Enlil's son, recovered the Tablets.
- Anzu (アンズー, Anzuu) is a Level 15 Persona of the Hierophant Arcana. It can be obtained from the Steamy Bathhouse dungeon. Anzu inherits "Wind" skills from the card fusions.
- Anzu ist der Rabengott der Arakkoa, den in den heroischen Sethekkhallen von Auchindoun angetroffen werden kann.
- Anzu est une divinité chez les Arrakoa qui a accueilli les parias lorsqu'ils furent rejetés par Rukhmar.
- 250px|thumb|Anzu Przerażające anzu są zaliczane do największych gróz otchłannych niebios i są wyjątkowo uwielbione przez Pazuzu i jego stado. Szybują poprzez skażone niebiosa, nieustannie poszukując potężnych magicznych przedmiotów do ukradzenia. Zbierają te skarby w makabrycznych, złożonych z kości i wnętrzności gniazdach wysoko w Otchłannych górach lub wierzchołkach drzew lub noszą i dzierżą je swoimi telekinetycznymi mocami.
- Anzu, called Caliburn (カリバーン Karibān) in Japan, is a move used by Zafina introduced in Tekken 6. Its input is 1,3. In Tekken Tag Tournament 2 however, after performing the second move, Zafina will automatically move to Scarecrow, unless back is held.