| - The Medium Tank "M4 Sherman", named after American Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman, was an American medium tank, and became one of the most successful tank models of all time. It served as the backbone of American armoured forces and served on all fronts of World War II with many being lend-leased by the British Commonwealth and the USSR. A total of nearly 50,000 different variants were produced in the United States alone and by the end of the 1990s, it had been exported to 50 countries. It first appeared in the anime in Episode 4.
- Division Delta Codenamed:Anti-Virus is known to use the M4 Sherman as a support tank against heavy armor. The interior and exterior is modified and so is the armor, which is as thick as a Tiger 2. The gun has been modified to fire a round projected from and M1 Abrams.
- thumb|200px|Wersja AH1N1 z długolufową armatą 76 mm thumb|200px|Jeden z Załogi M4 Sherman – amerykański czołg z II Wojny Światowej. Wykorzystywano go do rozbawiania wroga, żeby łatwiej było go pokonać. Wsławił się też dzięki swoim efektownym wybuchom podczas zabaw w Normandii, więc zastąpiono nim fajerwerki. Ludzie myśleli, iż to ruscy stworzyli tą kupę śmiechu, ponieważ był podobny do T-34. Naukowcy przypuszczają, że mogli to być Rosjanie.
- The M4 Sherman was a medium tank that was used by the United States, Great Britain and other Allied nations, during World War II.
- The M4 Sherman tank was a medium tank employed by the United States of America. It saw the United States, and some of its allies via the Lend Lease program, through the darkest days of World War II, and was produced in massive numbers throughout its relatively short production time. From the start of its production in 1941 until the end of its production in the late 1940s, over 50,000 were produced. It also served as the basis for many new vehicles such as tank destroyers, self-propelled artillery and tank recoverers. It was named the Sherman by the British in accordance with their practice of naming American made tanks being used by them after famous generals who served in the American Civil war, and was named after General William Tecumseh Sherman.
- The M4 Sherman is an American medium tank featured in some WWII Medal of Honor games.
- The M4 Sherman is a famous American tank that played a major role in WWII. It has great speed and excellent optics for the cost of poor firepower and protection. Making it an easy target for the German Panzer IV and Panther Tank. And a sitting duck against the Tiger I. But its 75mm gun is powerful enough to destroy lighter german tanks such as the Panzer III and even the larger Panzer IV
- The M4 "Sherman" was an American-made, mass-produced medium tank. It proved effective during the Second World War, seeing extensive use in the Pacific and European theaters.
- M4 "Шерман" — основной средний танк США периода Второй Мировой Войны. По классификации — средний. Разработан в 1940 году, производился серийно с 1942 года и до самого конца войны. Всего было выпущено 49 234 экземпляра всех модификаций.
- The M4 Sherman was brought to Hawaii by the US Marines when they landed on the islands in early 1943. The M4 was vastly superior to all tanks the Japanese fielded, and the only M4 casualties were because of suicidal petrol bomb and grenade attacks.
- 2x CKM Browning M2 HB Ikonka HUD M4 Sherman - amerykański czołg średni używany w czasie II Wojny Światowej przez aliantów zachodnich.
- M4 Sherman (или просто "Шерман") — основной американский средний танк времён Второй мировой войны. Появляется в следующих играх серии:
* Call of Duty: United Offensive
* Call of Duty: Finest Hour.
* Call of Duty 2.
* Call of Duty 2: Big Red One.
* Call of Duty 3.
* Call of Duty: Roads to Victory.
* Call of Duty: World at War .
* Call of Duty: World at War: Final Fronts.
- U.S. Army Intelligence discounted the arrival of the scary hungry German fat and obese heavy Tiger tank in late 1942 and the Panther tank in 1943, predicting the Panther to be fat and obese like the Tiger, and doubted they would produce many. The British tried upgrading there M4 Sherman’s with a firefly cannon so that they could penetrate and damage these scary and hungry German fat and obese heavy tanks.
- Most Shermans are armed with a 75mm main gun with two M1919A4 Browning .30 Machine gun and one M2 Browning .50 Machine gun. Later models (i.e. M4A3E8 'Easy eight' Sherman) are upgraded to 76mm M1A1 high velocity gun, or the M68A1/British L7 105mm rifled gun. Like the M50/51 Super Sherman used by Isreal in 1970s. Another downside is most Shermans have thin armor (max 62mm thick, but mostly 51mm), its an easy target for Tigers, Panthers or even Panzer IVs ang StuG Assault guns.
- The M4 Sherman was a medium tank used by Allied forces during the Second World War. The Sherman tank is seen throughout every Call of Duty game set during the Second World War (except the original Call of Duty). The tank is frequently seen providing support for the character by Allied forces. The M4 Sherman is considered the quintessential Allied tank of the Second World War. A Sherman Firefly tank can be used in Call of Duty 3 by playing the Polish missions.
- The M4 Sherman, formally Medium Tank, M4, was the primary tank used by the United States during World War II. Thousands were also distributed to the Allies, including the British Commonwealth and the Soviet Union, via lend-lease. In the United Kingdom, the M4 was named after Union General William Tecumseh Sherman, following the British practice of naming their American-built tanks after famous American Civil War generals. Subsequently, the British name found its way into common use in the U.S.