A species of human in Errinoruela
* They live in Zhnaquafian Jungle, Gaskallia and Feofaxia
* They are divided into several groups:
* The Red Feather Skirts People
* The Paint Faces
* The Smokers
* The Noise of the Jungle
* The Elephant Hunters Source: Guide to Glorantha
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| - A species of human in Errinoruela
* They live in Zhnaquafian Jungle, Gaskallia and Feofaxia
* They are divided into several groups:
* The Red Feather Skirts People
* The Paint Faces
* The Smokers
* The Noise of the Jungle
* The Elephant Hunters Source: Guide to Glorantha
- Pygmy is a creature made by the Galaksias that resembles a brownie. He doesn't do anything special. He can sneak in anywhere because nobody would pay attention to him if they knew he was there.
- Pygmies are a race of small primitive humanoids found on the Lost Isles and Uldum. They are related to goblins.
- In 1944, the American Army needed a way of keeping troops satisfied after five years at war. Since all the women and homosexuals were working in factories, the government had to resort to interspecies prostitution. At first scientists suggested orangutans but later scrapped the idea because, as Steve Coogan famously said, "no nigga gonna wanna f*** a ranga!" Eventually, after many fatalities, zoologists decided that guinea pigs are the sluttiest mammals. "They're safe, fun and disposable," said the head researcher.
- A unique and tiny dragon transformation first appearing in Breath of Fire III, which possesses a greater "cuteness factor" than the Whelp forms. The Pygmy is created by combining the Mutant and ??? Genes; other genes have no effect, except for Failure, Fusion, Infinity, and Miracle (which unlock their respective special forms). The Pygmy's attack, defense, and HP are quite low, but it is extremely fast and agile with an exceptional dodging rate.
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| - File:MutantGene Sprite.pngFile:QQQGene Sprite.png
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scan text
| - This is another of the few peronsality-packed monsters. They're also one of the few which remain still until you get close or shoot them. The pygmy expresses his personality in three ways - the angry "Unga Bunga!" when he spots you, and the yawn and spear spin moves he does when he's waiting for you to come near. They serve almost no purpose but to look cute. Almost, I say? Yes, almost.
Misc Info
| - One of the few Monsters to appear in all of the 5 classic Dr. Lunatic worlds.
| - File:FailureGene Sprite.pngFile:FusionGene Sprite.gifFile:InfinityGene Sprite.gifFile:MiracleGene Sprite.png
| - A species of human in Errinoruela
* They live in Zhnaquafian Jungle, Gaskallia and Feofaxia
* They are divided into several groups:
* The Red Feather Skirts People
* The Paint Faces
* The Smokers
* The Noise of the Jungle
* The Elephant Hunters Source: Guide to Glorantha
- A unique and tiny dragon transformation first appearing in Breath of Fire III, which possesses a greater "cuteness factor" than the Whelp forms. The Pygmy is created by combining the Mutant and ??? Genes; other genes have no effect, except for Failure, Fusion, Infinity, and Miracle (which unlock their respective special forms). The Pygmy's attack, defense, and HP are quite low, but it is extremely fast and agile with an exceptional dodging rate. In Breath of Fire IV, a Pygmy-lookalike named "Mutant" is obtained by acquiring the Flawed Gem from the En Jhou Ruins; it retains the traits and over-the-top cuteness established in the previous game, and gains status-affecting attacks. It later upgrades into Punk.
- Pygmy is a creature made by the Galaksias that resembles a brownie. He doesn't do anything special. He can sneak in anywhere because nobody would pay attention to him if they knew he was there.
- In 1944, the American Army needed a way of keeping troops satisfied after five years at war. Since all the women and homosexuals were working in factories, the government had to resort to interspecies prostitution. At first scientists suggested orangutans but later scrapped the idea because, as Steve Coogan famously said, "no nigga gonna wanna f*** a ranga!" Eventually, after many fatalities, zoologists decided that guinea pigs are the sluttiest mammals. "They're safe, fun and disposable," said the head researcher. A few weeks later the project was launched and was an overnight success. The soldiers fought harder in battle, driving off the Nazis and ending World War II. The fatal flaw with the project(which caused governments to postpone WWIII) was the excessive number of guinea pig-human hybrids(now known as 'pygmies'). The US had to think fast. All pygmies were captured and taken to Redneck territory. There they were used as live bait for 'gator huntin' and soon became an endangered species. However, America's sneaky-ass intelligence agencies kept the whole 'pygmy' thing underground. For years the world lived in ignorance until 1995, when South Africa announced that they discovered a new race living amongst them. Since the whole democracy vibe was still in the air, Nelson Mandela found it only fitting that the pygmies were given equal rights too. That's when the Declaration of Pygmypendance was drawn up and pygmies all over SA could live in peace. As time went by, humans found themselves attracted to these pygmies and eventually they, uhm...yeah. Eventually some HIV+ retard from Limpopo infected a pygmy and what happened next, well...
- Pygmies are a race of small primitive humanoids found on the Lost Isles and Uldum. They are related to goblins.