| - Supposing the material to be the placenta of a whale that had given birth to a new calf at the amusement park, an employee took it home, where she planned to cook a portion of the blob-like substance for a stew she was preparing for her family's reunion a few days later. On her way home with the rubberized skin, she stopped at a grocery store, where, among other items, she bought various vials of food coloring. Thereafter, as she resumed driving home, she was involved in an accident with a tractor-trailer, and several bottles of the food coloring were broken, their contents staining the "latex," as the scientists had christened their aborted product. The blob-like stuff was a motley of bright colors, making it unusable for the purpose for which the employee had intended it, so she unloaded
| - Supposing the material to be the placenta of a whale that had given birth to a new calf at the amusement park, an employee took it home, where she planned to cook a portion of the blob-like substance for a stew she was preparing for her family's reunion a few days later. On her way home with the rubberized skin, she stopped at a grocery store, where, among other items, she bought various vials of food coloring. Thereafter, as she resumed driving home, she was involved in an accident with a tractor-trailer, and several bottles of the food coloring were broken, their contents staining the "latex," as the scientists had christened their aborted product. The blob-like stuff was a motley of bright colors, making it unusable for the purpose for which the employee had intended it, so she unloaded the mass next to a Dumpster near Fashion Passion, a fashion designer's studio near her home. When the fashion designer discovered the multi-colored substance, he hit upon the idea of using it as the material for a new line of clothing. Upon seeing photographs of his apparel modelled on a New York runway, one of the scientists involved in the project that had created the substance called the designer to inform him of its name, and “latex clothing” thus acquired its official name.