| - During the Dominion War, the Crucial was one of seven ships in a task force (at the time called Flame Squad) assigned to patrol the Flortarios sector. In 2375, all the captian's from the task force were temporarily taken hostage at a welcoming reception by terrorists on Flortarios III. Shortly after the war, the ship was transferred to deep space assignments. ("The Bajoran Trove") In 2377, the Crucial made first contact with the Ceavon. Three weeks later, the Crucial and its task force tried to stop the USS Phoenix-X when the crew of the Phoenix-X was taken over by alien influence. ("Loyalties, Part I") In 2380, the Crucial assisted the USS Hijinx in dealing with the Gordarion threat at Saturn. ("Hijinx") In late 2382, on stardate 59871.9, the Crucial came under constant attacks by the Orion Syndicate. These attacks were brought on after the Crucial attempting to assist the USS Stilo repay their debts. The ship was in critical condition. ("Crucial") Two years later, the Crucial was sent on a mission to escort a Vendoth Ambassador to Rochani III, when they were attacked by Arkarians on their way there. Commander Seifer and Doctor Lox responded to the Crucial`s distress call while in the runabout Iroh at the time, helping to disable the Arkarian ship. The Crucial eventually made it to Rochani III, where a pre-knowledge of its existence was confirmed: that it was inhabited by Vendoth and the survivors of the thought-lost USS Dark Glory. The Ambassador and the Vendoth soon turned against the Federation, with a boarding party beaming onto the Crucial to take it over. Fortunately, the Vendoth battle crusier, Th'ter'dek, dropped out of a vortex nearby and took on the Crucial`s boarding party and all the other Vendoth, before escaping into deep space. The Crucial was left to escort the survivors of the Dark Glory back to Starbase 12. ("Remnants") In 2390, the Crucial was thought destroyed at Starbase 78 when it came under surprise attack by divergent-Hirogen. Included among the casualties was Captain Harley Menrow. ("Into Harshness") The ship itself, near destruction, was salvaged and put into an astonishing refit phase under Captain Yelg, his engineering partner, a Traveler named Wayfar, and a time-and-space-altered repair crew. The ship was miraculously refitted into an Intrepid-class. ("For the World is Worldly and Such")