| - Have you ever wondered whats the difference between illegal ethics and unethical laws? Come to the Ethics Wiki and find out!
- Ethics is the study of morality, of what is "good" or "right". In transhumanism, a behavior can be good or right in 2 different ways:
* good for one transhuman: it helps it survive
* good for all transhumans: the behavior is adopted by all transhumans. This behavior must respect the golden rule This definition thus depends on the result of the behavior, which cannot be predicted perfectly. So the morality of an act cannot only be determined approximately.
- Barack Obama has taken the lead on reforming the way Washington works. He's got the strongest plan of any primary or general election candidate when it comes to returning American government to its owners - the people. Senator Obama's plan for open, transparent, and honest government is the cornerstone of his reform program; until we change the way things work in Washington, trying to make meaningful change happen in things like health care, the environment, and energy is going to be incredibly difficult.
- Ethics is the branch of philosophy asking what we ought to do.
- Central to permaculture are the three ethics. • Care for the Earth • Care for People • Fair Share Ethics are culturally evolved mechanisms that regulate self-interest, giving us a better understanding of good and bad outcomes. • Care for the Earth The Earth is a living, breathing entity. Without ongoing care and nurturing there will be consequences too big to ignore. • Care for People If peoples needs are met in compassionate and simple ways, the environment surrounding them will prosper. • Fair Share We are provided with times of abundance which encourages us to share with others.
- Ethics is episode 17 of the Dilbert TV series.
- Ethics.
- The trinity grew a fourth spoke. It chided the rest.
- USS Potemkin (menc.)
- When Ethics was a wee lad (2003) his friends got him to play what is now known as RuneScape Classic. After RuneScape 2 was officially released, he continued to play on the same account "Dodger27" on RSC, and made his current main account to play RS2 with. In the early years, Woodcutting was his favorite skill, getting it in the high 90s before ultimately quitting the game in early 2007, having approximately 1450 total level at the time of quitting.
- Ethics is the study of oughtness, an unfounded branch of philosophy which deals with what eggheads on the Nerd Patrol think of right and wrong. A Code of Ethics? No thank you. The Holy Bible is the only true source of right and wrong. Ethics is just a fancy word East Coast Liberals use to try and take Jesus from where he belongs: Deeply entrenched in our hearts, our government, and our courtrooms. The US Senate even has an ethics committee. Anything Congress forms a committee to investigate, oversee, or regulate is just plain wrong (like steroids).
- Ethics (from the Ancient Greek "ethikos", meaning "theory of living") is one of the major branches of philosophy, one that covers the analysis and employment of concepts such as right, wrong, good, evil, and responsibility. It is divided into three primary areas: meta-ethics (the study of what ethicality is), normative ethics (the study of what ethical truths there are and how they are known), and applied ethics (the study of the use of ethical knowledge).
- Ethics actually consists of rationality toward the highest level of survival for the individual, the family unit, the group, mankind, and the future race and extending to include all life forms, the planet itself and, ultimately, everything beyond that taken collectively. Ethics are reason. The highest ethic level would be very high level long-term survival concepts with minimal destruction, along any of the dynamics. This page is a stubling, a template/sentence/category or so, not yet a stub. Please help our Scienowiki community by [ expanding it.]
- jlknnnnnnnnnmnnn Two of the most infamous ethical cases involved Janet Cooke and Jayson Blair. Cooke, of The Washington Post, was found to have fabricated a child heroin addict. She later said the child was a composite. Blair, of The New York Times, was found to have fabricated and plagiarized many articles. The case led to the resignation of The Times' editor, Howell Raines. Cooke and Blair are black. Views vary as to what role, if any, race might have played in these cases. As of 2005, more recent cases have involved:
- In general, the United Federation of Planets, and particularly Humans, considered the preservation of life paramount to all other things. Starfleet Academy offered at least one course on ethics, Interspecies Ethics. A course entitled Moral and Ethical Issues of Command was also taught. (DS9: "The Ship", VOY: "In the Flesh") Vulcans were particularly known for being ethical. (DS9: "Bar Association") Artificial lifeforms such as Data and The Doctor were programmed with ethical subroutines to allow them to make moral choices. (TNG: "Datalore" ; VOY: "Equinox, Part II")
- Adelman Neurologisch Instituut; alkysine; Aster, Marla; Beloti sector; biobed; borathium;brak'lul; chirurgisch ondersteuningsstelsel; chlorinide; chloromydride; cordrazine; cortische stimulator; CPK enzymatische therapie; cybernetica; Denver, USS; detronale scanner; Duras; dynoscanner; exoscalpel; Fang-lee; Federatie-Cardassian oorlog; inaprovaline; genitronische replicator; genitronica; gravitatie mijn; Hegh'bat; inoprovaline; isocortex; Kelnaria regio; Klingon; Klingon burgeroorlog; laser scalpel; leporazine; Mericor systeem; morathiale series; motor assistentie band; Mylaira systeem; neurale metafasische schock; neurogenetica; poker; polyadrenaline; Potemkin, USS; Romulan; Rozhenko, Helena; Rozhenko, Sergey; ruggenmerg; Sandoval; Sector 37628; shuttledok; Starfleet medisch; steri-veld;
- Ethics is the branch of philosophy that seeks to determine how one ought to act in a particular situation. That is to say, if focuses on how one might be able to determine right or good action in any given situation. Different schools of ethical thought arise from different areas. Religion often plays a central role in ethics. The ethics of most people come directly from their religious upbringing, or lack thereof. Many people believe that the best forms are at the very least derived from religion, if not identical to the teachings of the religion they subscribe to.
- We observe very clearly that everything in this world is in a state of flux and change. The process of renewal in life is a principle underlying the law of creation. In the same way as we believe in the immutable and enduring character of the law of change, we are also forced to believe in certain immutable concepts and to consider them eternal and everlasting. Among these immutable principles are the laws of morality and human excellence which we are forced to observe of the judgements of sound reason and to lead our lives in accordance with them. One of the most significant factors underlying the success and failure of societies, their triumph and defeat, is the moral factor, whose decisive role in the lives of nations is so evident and conspicuous that no one can deny it.
- Lieutenant Worf is seriously injured, almost killed, when some containers fall on him. He wakes up in sickbay to find that his spinal cord has been crushed, resulting in paralysis. Dr. Beverly Crusher has Dr. Toby Russell, a neurological specialist, called onto the Enterprise. The two doctors find themselves in uncharted territory: in Klingon medicine those who are paralyzed are allowed to die. Klingons with these kinds of injuries usually often perform the Hegh'bat, the Klingon ritual suicide. Commander Riker goes to visit Worf in sickbay. Worf asks him to help him commit ritual suicide. Riker is shocked and repulsed by what Worf is asking for–to hand him a knife and leave him to stab himself in the heart. Riker refuses to help Whorf, because in his opinion Worf can still live out his lif