| - Is your character alone in the world? Have they lost a family member? Do you want to show that no matter how much time has passed, they just can't get over it? It's easy: just have them watch a home movie of the happier times with that family member. Said movie will often include one or both parties declaring outright how much they love the other, just to drive the point home. For bonus unhealthiness points, have the grieving character rewind the tape and watch it over... and over... and over... A character in desperate circumstances, perhaps alone, on the verge of death, or on the run, will come "home" to watch old videos of his past life, usually childhood videos or family outings, sometimes surrounded by items from his past life or memorabilia he has carried with him the whole way which turns out to be significant to learning more about his persona. A person trying to find him, may find him watching the videos, even if he was strenuously attempting to avoid pursuit earlier; or the videos will have been left on. May also be used to reminisce about life After the End or set up a Disappeared Dad, Missing Mom, or Dead Little Sister. A common subtrope is watching a Wedding Video. Sometimes this is after a divorce, an affair, or something else breaking up the couple. Or maybe it's after a death leaving one of the couple behind. See also Alas, Poor Villain, Really Dead Montage and Happy Flashback. Related to Troubled Backstory Flashback. If it was made intentionally prior to death, see Video Will. This doesn't have be a death trope, but it is often a beginning or ending trope, so may involve spoilers. Examples of Happier Home Movie include: