| - Remember my blog? The one Rainy had a heart attack over? I had a lot of trouble deciding the worst name. This will be Red's name: Beautydream. Now, let the horridness begin. P.S. If you have any suggestions on how I can improve my story, feel free to share them! "Go hunting with me, Beautydream!" "No! I want to be her mate!" "Me!" "Me!" Those echoes ring out as I leave my personal den. The leader, Brownstar, let me have my own den because I wanted it. Because I was the most beautiful cat in the clan whose parents had died, she agreed. "SHUT UP!" I roared. Later...
| - Remember my blog? The one Rainy had a heart attack over? I had a lot of trouble deciding the worst name. This will be Red's name: Beautydream. Now, let the horridness begin. P.S. If you have any suggestions on how I can improve my story, feel free to share them! "Go hunting with me, Beautydream!" "No! I want to be her mate!" "Me!" "Me!" Those echoes ring out as I leave my personal den. The leader, Brownstar, let me have my own den because I wanted it. Because I was the most beautiful cat in the clan whose parents had died, she agreed. "SHUT UP!" I roared. Now, if anyone else had yelled "Shut up" at the clan deputy, Skyfeather, they would have a moon of cleaning the elders' bedding out. But not me. I was special. "I'm going hunting on my own," I told them. I started to hunt, and caught 1,000,000,000 rabbits. A ShadowClan warrior wandered onto the border, and I fought him off easily, my siver pelt gleaming in the sunlight and my beautiful blue eyes shining with happiness. I brought the rabbits back to camp and slept in my den while everyone else mooned over me. Later... When I woke up, I felt as if there was something missing. Turned out, both Brownstar and Skyfeather had commited suicide so I could be leader. Instantly, StarClan flew down from the sky to give me my nine lives - no, 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 lives - and my name. Now I was Beautystar. I changed RiverClan's name to BeautyClan and I cancelled the whole warrior code. No one protested because I was beautiful. I lived happily ever after.