| - [Source] Les Whiphids étaient une espèce originaire de la planète glacière Toola dans la Bordure Extérieure. Leur fourrure permet de résister à de très basses température, de plus, ils possèdent une espérance de vie de plusieurs centaines d'années. Les Whiphis les plus connu sont K'Kruhk le Jedi et J'Quille, présent au palais de Jabba pendant la Guerre Civile Galactique.
- Whiphids were a sentient species of large, furry bipeds that had two large tusks protruding from their lower jaws native to the frozen planet Toola. J'Quille and Valarian were both Whiphids.
- The Whiphid species can't be chosen as a vendor species by a trader.
- Whiphids were a sentinent species from the planet Toola.
- Whiphids were tall, muscled, furred sentient beings from the planet Toola. They were notable for their great tusks. On Toola, Whiphids lived a primitive lifestyle, hunting caraboose and other large animals, such as the motmot, their favored prey. Their language consisted of approximately six thousand words. As Whiphids came into contact with more technically advanced races that came to Toola to buy ice, they began to show great curiosity about the rest of the galaxy. Many Whiphids left Toola, supporting themselves as big game hunters, mercenaries, or bounty hunters.
- Average Height: 2.3 meters Average Lifespan: 40 years Whiphids are bulky, furry, tusked sentients from the Outer Rim. Heavily muscled and big-boned, with two tremendous teeth protruding from a jutting lower jaw, the average Whiphid is an unlovely sort of being. But what it loses in looks it makes up for in raw power. Few sentients would care to wrestle a Whiphid. Native to the cold planet Chokka, a minor world not far from Kessel, the Whiphid species lives in primitive tribal conditions, sheltering from the cold in thick furgloos, huts made from the hollowed-out bodies of cold-adapted banthas.
- Whiphids eran altos, musculosos, peludas especies del planeta Toola. Fueron notables por sus grandes colmillos. En Toola, los whiphids vivian en un estilo de vida primitiva, la cazando carabooses y otros animales grandes, como el Motmot, su presa favorita. Su lenguaje consistía en aproximadamente seis mil palabras. Como los whiphids entraron en contacto con otras razas más avanzadas técnicamente que llegaban a Toola para comprar hielo, comenzaron a mostrar una gran curiosidad sobre el resto de la galaxia. Fue así como muchos Whiphids dejaron Toola, manteniéndose a sí mismos como grandes cazadores, mercenarios, o cazarrecompensas.
- Whiphids average about 2.5 meters and can weigh up to 400 kilos. They are covered by long yellow-white or gold fur and have stubby fur-covered tails. Their faces are elongated, with prominent foreheads and long, bowed cheekbones. A Whiphid's face is furless apart from a few hairs on the lips and chin. Two large tusks protrude from the lower jaw, and their massive arms end with thick three-fingered hands, the fingers ending in sharp claws. Female Toolans tend to be slightly shorter and heavier than the males. Their eyes protrude slightly from their heads. Young Toolans have shorter snouts and far less fur than adults.