| - On the Wellspring of Breedstocks By Charles Darwin UnAnglish Draught is at: When on board H.T.S. Beagle, as wildloreman, I was much struck with sundry truths in the fordealing of the lifefast beings bewoning Southamericksland, and in the earthkithy kinships of the andward to the beleeringly onerdands of that earthdeal. These deedsakes, as will be seen in the latter headstutches of this book, seemed to throw some light on the frumshaft of kins - that unknown of unknowns, as it has been called by one of our greatest outhwiten. On my edwhirft home, it came to me, in 1837, that something might well be made out on this frain by longmoodly heaping and bethinking on all kinds of deedsakes which could eath have any bearing on it. After five years' work I let myself huy on the underwarp, and drew up some short ontokenings; these I greatened in 1844 into an outline of the upshots, which then seemed to me likely: from that timestretch to the andward day have I steadily forfollowed the same goal. I hope that I may be forgiven for inputting on these my own selfly indelves, as I give them to show that I have not been hasty in coming to a bychoice. My work is now (1859) nearly fullended; but as it will take me many more years to beend it, and as my health is far from strong, I have been thrung to aban this shortness. I have more onsundren been lead on to do this, as Mr. Wallace, who is kneardledging the wild yore of the Malay Ilandgroup, has gotten to almost the matchingly same overall upshots that I have on the wellspring of breedstocks. In 1858 he sent me a thoughtlog on this undershot, with a prayer that I would forward it to Sir Charles Lyell, who sent it to the Linnean Brotherhood, and it is folkcast in the third bookspan of the Logbook of that Society. Sir C. Lyell and Dr. Hooker, who both knew of my work--the latter having read my sketch of 1844-- Flattered me by thinking it redeworthy to folkcast, with Mr. Wallace's outshining thoughtlog, some brief outtakes from my handwritten draughts. This drawing-up, which I now folkcast, must needfully be misdone. I cannot here give lookups and leaderhoods for my several quothings; and I must trust to the reader to have withtrust in my arightness. I shouldn’t wonder, flaws may have crept in, though I hope I have always been careful in trusting to good leaderhoods alone. I can here give only the overall upshots at which I have agotten, with a few truths in alightening, but which, I hope, in most howabouts will be enough. No one can feel more aware than I do of the neededness of hereafter folkcasting in fullthrough all the truths, with lookups, on which my upshots have been grounded; and I hope in a hereafter work to do this. For I am well aware that not often a lone pith is talked about in this bookspan on which truths cannot be sworn for, often seemingly leading to upshots straightforwardly gainstanding to those at which I have gotten to. A fair outcome can be gotten only by fully quothing and weighing up the truths and gaintalks on both sides of each asking; and this is here unhapsome. I much rue that want of room forestops me having the aftergladness of acknowledging the openhanded help which I have gotten from right many wildloresters, some of them selfly unknown to me. I cannot, however, let this *opportunity go by without thrimping out my deep deedtrothenenness to Dr. Hooker, who, for the last fifteen years, has helped me in every hapsome way by his big hoards of knowledge and his outshining deemsmanship. In pondering the wellspring of breedstocks, it is quite thoughtworthy that a wildlorester, backshining on the evenway akinness of lifen beings, on their wightblooming kinships, their Earthwise outsprinking, stonewise rowsets, and other such truths, might come to the upshot that breedstocks had not been standalonely wrought out, but had been begotten, like kindlings, from other breedstocks. Nevertheless, such an upshot, even if well founded, would be unaftergladdening, until it could be shown how the unbenumbered breedstocks adwelling this world have been tweaked, so as to get that flawnessness of framework and withfittening which rightfully fires up our towondering. Wildloresters ongoingly speak of outside fettles, such as weathertrends, food, etc., as the only hapsome whyfore of unsameliness. In one hampered sense, as we shall hereafter see, this may be true; but it is mad thinking to alink to mere outside fettles, the framework, for howabouts, of the woodpecker, with its feet, tail, beak, and tongue, so towondersomely fittened to catch six legged bugs under the bark of trees. In the howabouts of the mistletoe, which draws its food from sundry trees, which has seeds that must be crossfared by sundry birds, and which has blooms with swiveways set asunder, utterly needing the withworking of sundry six legged bugs to bring bloomdust from one bloom to the other, it is evenly mad thinking to answer for the framework of this sidefeeder, with its crosslinks to several unlikensome lifen beings, by the therebies of outside fettles, or of wontness, or of the choosing of the wort itself. It is therefore most needed to build a good insight into the ways by which tweaking and befittening happens. When I first began to look at these, it seemed likely to me that careful watching of tamed wights and crop worts would give the highest likelihood of answering this narrow asking. Nor have I been misheartened; in this and everything else so bewildering, I have always found that our knowledge, threadbare though it may be, of sundriness in tamed wights, gave the best and truest clue. I dare say how highly I worthe such learning, although it is often overlooked by many wildloremen.