Meelk n' Creem is a British animated series created by BaconMahBoi for Nickelodeon in 2000. The series focuses on Meelk (a milk bottle) and Creem (a tub of cream), two childish guards of King Iyce Creem (an ice cream cone), who turn every day into an adventure while also protecting King Iyce Creem from evil ninjas with a desire for ice cream. The series is BaconStudios' most popular and second longest-running series produced (beaten by Choco's Adventures by four months). The series officially moved to Nicktoons in 2008, and BaconNetwork in 2015. The series has released lots of merchandise, including plushies, action figures, video games, books and a monthly magazine. Eleven seasons have been released, coming to a total of 253 episodes.
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| - Meelk n' Creem is a British animated series created by BaconMahBoi for Nickelodeon in 2000. The series focuses on Meelk (a milk bottle) and Creem (a tub of cream), two childish guards of King Iyce Creem (an ice cream cone), who turn every day into an adventure while also protecting King Iyce Creem from evil ninjas with a desire for ice cream. The series is BaconStudios' most popular and second longest-running series produced (beaten by Choco's Adventures by four months). The series officially moved to Nicktoons in 2008, and BaconNetwork in 2015. The series has released lots of merchandise, including plushies, action figures, video games, books and a monthly magazine. Eleven seasons have been released, coming to a total of 253 episodes.
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| - Meelk n' Creem is a British animated series created by BaconMahBoi for Nickelodeon in 2000. The series focuses on Meelk (a milk bottle) and Creem (a tub of cream), two childish guards of King Iyce Creem (an ice cream cone), who turn every day into an adventure while also protecting King Iyce Creem from evil ninjas with a desire for ice cream. The series is BaconStudios' most popular and second longest-running series produced (beaten by Choco's Adventures by four months). The series officially moved to Nicktoons in 2008, and BaconNetwork in 2015. The series has released lots of merchandise, including plushies, action figures, video games, books and a monthly magazine. Eleven seasons have been released, coming to a total of 253 episodes.