Thompson & Thomson File:DupontetDupond 1672.jpg
* The Chew Toy
* Clueless Detectives
* Determinators - While their competence is questionable at best later on, they won't let that slow them down. At one point (Prisoners of the Sun) they were canvassing the world trying to track down Tintin and Co.
* The Dividual (twindividual)
* Single-Minded Twins - Almost to a tee, except that they aren't actually twins.
* Early-Bird Cameo - Hergé retroactively added Thomson and Thompson to a single panel when he redrew Tintin in the Congo.
* Evil Counterpart - In the BBC radio adaptation of The Calculus Affair, the Bordurian guards asigned to escort Tintin and Haddock are essentially evil versions of the Thompsons, right down to mannerisms, ineptitude, and the voice actor.
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* The Chew Toy
* Clueless Detectives
* Determinators - While their competence is questionable at best later on, they won't let that slow them down. At one point (Prisoners of the Sun) they were canvassing the world trying to track down Tintin and Co.
* The Dividual (twindividual)
* Single-Minded Twins - Almost to a tee, except that they aren't actually twins.
* Early-Bird Cameo - Hergé retroactively added Thomson and Thompson to a single panel when he redrew Tintin in the Congo.
* Evil Counterpart - In the BBC radio adaptation of The Calculus Affair, the Bordurian guards asigned to escort Tintin and Haddock are essentially evil versions of the Thompsons, right down to mannerisms, ineptitude, and the voice actor.
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| - Thompson & Thomson File:DupontetDupond 1672.jpg
* The Chew Toy
* Clueless Detectives
* Determinators - While their competence is questionable at best later on, they won't let that slow them down. At one point (Prisoners of the Sun) they were canvassing the world trying to track down Tintin and Co.
* The Dividual (twindividual)
* Single-Minded Twins - Almost to a tee, except that they aren't actually twins.
* Early-Bird Cameo - Hergé retroactively added Thomson and Thompson to a single panel when he redrew Tintin in the Congo.
* Evil Counterpart - In the BBC radio adaptation of The Calculus Affair, the Bordurian guards asigned to escort Tintin and Haddock are essentially evil versions of the Thompsons, right down to mannerisms, ineptitude, and the voice actor.
* Flanderization - Their first appearances showed them to be clumsy, comedic, but also quite capable, even busting Tintin out of prison at one point. Later depictions made them generally incompetent.
* Heel Face Turn
* Identical Twin ID Tag: Their mustaches look slightly different: Thomson's curls in while Thompson's flares out.
* Inexplicably Identical Individuals - They are not related in any way.
* Inspector Javert - Initially.
* The Klutz
* Lawful Stupid - Later on.
* Man Children
* Police Are Useless - But they are the police, and they have the good sense to listen to Tintin, even deferring to him on occasion.
* Private Defective
* Spoonerism
* Talking to Himself - Both men are played by the same actor (Charles Kay) in the BBC radio adaptations.
* Those Two Guys Which is why they're played in the CGI Motion-Capture film by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, who are Those Two Guys themselves!
* Ultimate Job Security - They stay on the force and are consistently given major cases no matter how incompetent they really are.
* Write Who You Know - They were based on Hergé's father and uncle, who were identical twins and also endeavored to dress identically -- right down to the bowler hats.