| - “Where’s my pikin’ money, ya little leatherhead? Ya said ya’d pay me by- “ A tap on his shoulder gave Zarn pause. He turned around to see a forbidding tiefling warrior, tapping his foot and staring deep into his eyes. “I want the boy or your life. Don’t make me take both.” The powerfully built bariaur spat at Krik’s cloven feet, holding up a terrified githzerai youth with one hand against a wall. Krik closed his eyes and prepared himself. “Ya ain’t the pikin’ Harmonium…ya ain’t even the sodding Mercykillers anymore! Who d’ya think ya are, tellin’ me I can’t… extract a loan payment from a… a buddy o’ mine? Who’re you to even tell me ‘good day’ walkin’ by?” Krik smiled a fanged smile, drew his short sword, and ran him through, all in one motion, giving a curt nod to the frightened githzerai
| - “Where’s my pikin’ money, ya little leatherhead? Ya said ya’d pay me by- “ A tap on his shoulder gave Zarn pause. He turned around to see a forbidding tiefling warrior, tapping his foot and staring deep into his eyes. “I want the boy or your life. Don’t make me take both.” The powerfully built bariaur spat at Krik’s cloven feet, holding up a terrified githzerai youth with one hand against a wall. Krik closed his eyes and prepared himself. “Ya ain’t the pikin’ Harmonium…ya ain’t even the sodding Mercykillers anymore! Who d’ya think ya are, tellin’ me I can’t… extract a loan payment from a… a buddy o’ mine? Who’re you to even tell me ‘good day’ walkin’ by?” Krik smiled a fanged smile, drew his short sword, and ran him through, all in one motion, giving a curt nod to the frightened githzerai teen. “Sodding Mercykillers? Nah… merciless Sodkillers.” He casually tossed a piece of paper on the ground and walked away, beckoning the boy to follow. The teenager picked it up and looked at it. It read: Get him home in two hours, safe and sound, for payment. It was signed by his mother. The Sodkillers are of a mind that any dilemma can be resolved with force. Might makes right. And since they see themselves as being mighty, they see themselves as being right. The more cynical of the Mercykillers (or simply the meaner ones) who didn’t think that the Sons of Mercy’s way would work decided if Arwyl Swan’s Son was going to revive an old faction, so were they. This time they wouldn’t make the mistake of sharing the reins of power with anyone, much less annoying idealistic do-gooders like the Sons of Mercy. Now they hire themselves out as mercenaries, proving their philosophy works. They’ve already cemented themselves in Sigil behind the cover of the Minder’s Guild, biding their time until the factions regain their status. When that time comes, they’ll seize their goals with all of their might until they have everything they want in their grasp. Philosophy: Might makes right. Nicknames: Brutes, Sellswords. Headquarters: Vorkehan in Acheron. The Tower of the Wyrm in Sigil. Majority Races: Bladelings, githyanki, half-orcs, humans, khaasta, tieflings. Favored Classes: Fighters, monks, rangers. Factol: Nijul P’iuy (LN female aasimar Rng10/Justiciar5 Sodkillers) Prominent Members: Grubby Garrin (LN male half-orc Mnk10), Tall Tally (LE male osyluth), Nagaro (LE female human Ftr7/ex-Pal7), Coirosis (LE female rust dragon) Alignment: Any non-good, non-chaotic. Symbol: A rust-red colored fist on a blood-red-colored disc, surrounded by a border of green serpents. Might makes right, that about sums up the Sodkillers’ beliefs. If there’s something you want, take it by force. If there’s someone bothering you, bash them about a bit. If you don’t like someone’s smile, why tell them about it when you can just punch them in the face? If a body keeps smiling after that, maybe he has a good reason, or a physical defect.