| - Jacoby transfers are the simplest of the transfer bids. They apply after any natural 1NT, 2NT, or 3NT opening. In short, the responder bids the lowest level of ♦ or ♥ as a request for the opener to bid ♥ or ♠, respectively. Jacoby transfers may be done with any strength hand and always require a 5-card suit. Since a natural notrump opening has at worst a single doubleton, there is a chance (roughly 25%) of a 7-card fit, but much more likely is an 8-card or better fit.
| - Jacoby transfers are the simplest of the transfer bids. They apply after any natural 1NT, 2NT, or 3NT opening. In short, the responder bids the lowest level of ♦ or ♥ as a request for the opener to bid ♥ or ♠, respectively. Jacoby transfers may be done with any strength hand and always require a 5-card suit. Since a natural notrump opening has at worst a single doubleton, there is a chance (roughly 25%) of a 7-card fit, but much more likely is an 8-card or better fit. The primary reason for using transfers is to keep the stronger hand hidden. In particular, if the opener holds tenaces such as A-Q or K-J, there is a big disadvantage to having them on board which may cost several tricks. Jacoby transfers are also called major suit transfers, since the targets are major suits, and red suit transfers, since a red suit bid is transfer.