Light Beam is a move used by a few bosses mainly by Belome in the game Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.
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- Light beam
- Light Beam
| - Light Beam is a move used by a few bosses mainly by Belome in the game Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.
- A central technology of the grey aliens is the light beam. It provides illumination, can lift objects and people, and it seems to teleport people from within the beam in some cases. Its capabilities are certainly extensive and it seems to be a universal tool for the aliens.
- The Light Beam is a Luminoth Weapon created during the Luminoth-Ing War as a replacement for the failed Dark Beam. It fires beams of pure light powerful enough to phase through most creatures and set targets alight.
- The Light Beam is a Luminoth weapon and one of Samus's beam upgrades. Samus Aran recovered it from the Dark Agon Wastes during the events of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. The Luminoth first experimented with the idea of overloading Dark creatures with the Dark Beam, and when that failed, moved on to the Light Beam, which proved to be a far deadlier weapon in their war against the Ing, due to their weakness to the light energy in Aether's atmosphere. As with other Luminoth-designed weaponry such as the Dark Beam and Annihilator Beam, this beam uses a limited amount of Light Ammo, requiring 1 Light Ammo to fire a Light Beam shot. When Samus has depleted her supply of ammo, she can charge the weapon in order to fire a regular shot, so she can activate portals and open hatches. The Light Beam, when
- thumb|250px|Samus' Waffenarm in Light Beam-Konstellation Der Light Beam ist eine Beamerweiterung in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes welche konzentrierte Lichtstrahlen verschießt, die Feinde durchdringen und bei mehreren aufeinander folgenden Schüssen den Gegner in Brand stecken, was kontinuierliche Schäden verursacht (siehe Plasma Beam bzw. Magmaul). Der Light Beam eignet sich hervorragend zur Bekämpfung von Kreaturen aus dem Dunklen Aether. Mit dem Light Beam können Lichtkristalle und Leuchtfeuer angeregt werden, d.h., dass sich die Lichtatmosphäre rötlich verfärbt und zudem jeden Gegner aus dem Dunklen Aether vernichtet (selbst Krieger-Ing, die normalerweise nur Schaden nehmen, wenn sie sich in einer Lichtatmosphäre aufhalten). Dieser Beam verbraucht Lichtmunition; je eine Lichtmunitionseinheit
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| - Very High to creatures of Dark Aether, Very Low to creatures of Light Aether
sam notes
| - When out of Light Ammo, you can charge the Light Beam to fire a normal shot.
- The Lightblast costs 5 Light Ammo to fire.
- Use the Light Beam to energize Crystals.
- Charge the Light Beam to fire a Lightblast of white-hot energy. Enemies struck by this blast will burn for a few moments.
- The Light Beam is quite effective against dark creatures.
- A Light Beam shot will damage foes as long as they are in contact with it.
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inv text
| - Press 19px/Hold 19px and point right to select the Light Beam as your active weapon.
- The Light Beam can shoot through multiple enemies. Hits from the Light Beam may set enemies on fire.
| - Can energize Light Crystals and Beacons.
| - Low range, deals high damage to creatures of Dark Aether, can burn enemies.
| - thumb|250px|Samus' Waffenarm in Light Beam-Konstellation Der Light Beam ist eine Beamerweiterung in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes welche konzentrierte Lichtstrahlen verschießt, die Feinde durchdringen und bei mehreren aufeinander folgenden Schüssen den Gegner in Brand stecken, was kontinuierliche Schäden verursacht (siehe Plasma Beam bzw. Magmaul). Der Light Beam eignet sich hervorragend zur Bekämpfung von Kreaturen aus dem Dunklen Aether. Mit dem Light Beam können Lichtkristalle und Leuchtfeuer angeregt werden, d.h., dass sich die Lichtatmosphäre rötlich verfärbt und zudem jeden Gegner aus dem Dunklen Aether vernichtet (selbst Krieger-Ing, die normalerweise nur Schaden nehmen, wenn sie sich in einer Lichtatmosphäre aufhalten). Dieser Beam verbraucht Lichtmunition; je eine Lichtmunitionseinheit für einen Schuss und fünf Lichtmunitionseinheiten für dessen Charge Beam. Zudem verfügt der Light Beam im Laufe des Spiels über eine Charge Combo, der sogennante Sunburst, der 30 Lichtmunitionseinheiten und 5 Missiles verbraucht. Zu Beginn ist der Lichtmunitionsvorrat auf 50 Einheiten beschränkt; jedoch kann er durch Munitionserweiterungen auf 250 Einheiten eröht werden. Sollte jedoch irgendwann der Lichtmunitionsvorrat aufgebraucht sein, kann man trotzdem durch Aufladen des Beams einen Normalschuss abfeuern.
- Light Beam is a move used by a few bosses mainly by Belome in the game Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.
- The Light Beam is a Luminoth weapon and one of Samus's beam upgrades. Samus Aran recovered it from the Dark Agon Wastes during the events of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. The Luminoth first experimented with the idea of overloading Dark creatures with the Dark Beam, and when that failed, moved on to the Light Beam, which proved to be a far deadlier weapon in their war against the Ing, due to their weakness to the light energy in Aether's atmosphere. As with other Luminoth-designed weaponry such as the Dark Beam and Annihilator Beam, this beam uses a limited amount of Light Ammo, requiring 1 Light Ammo to fire a Light Beam shot. When Samus has depleted her supply of ammo, she can charge the weapon in order to fire a regular shot, so she can activate portals and open hatches. The Light Beam, when fired, resembles the Plasma Beam of Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption in that it sets enemies on fire. The arm cannon itself takes the configuration of the Wave Beam from Metroid Prime.
- A central technology of the grey aliens is the light beam. It provides illumination, can lift objects and people, and it seems to teleport people from within the beam in some cases. Its capabilities are certainly extensive and it seems to be a universal tool for the aliens.
- The Light Beam is a Luminoth Weapon created during the Luminoth-Ing War as a replacement for the failed Dark Beam. It fires beams of pure light powerful enough to phase through most creatures and set targets alight.
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