| - Willow finally de-rats Amy. Spike's chip has apparently stopped working. The Trio steal a diamond from the museum.
* Accidental Innuendo (In-Universe)
* Bait and Switch: It looks like Spike intends to kill Buffy when he realises his chip has failed. Instead they end up having sex for the first time.
* Beware the Nice Ones / Oblivious Guilt Slinging: Buffy thinks it's unlikely that Willow ("She Of The Level Head") will get into trouble. Xander and Anya say that responsible types - so concerned with being good all the time - are more likely to go off the rails when they have a taste of Forbidden Fruit. "It's got to be seductive." Buffy doesn't like the sound of the word 'seductive', especially when Spike chooses that moment to call her up on the phone acting all mysterious and...seductive.
* Blatant Lies: Dawn telling Tara that Willow has cut down on her magic use. Buffy on why she kissed Spike. Buffy on why Spike called her on the phone.
* Brutal Honesty
* The Bus Came Back
* Came Back Wrong: Spike becomes the Trope Namer in reference to Buffy. If he can hit her without his Restraining Bolt firing, it means that she too is a demon. It's this revelation, as well as the sexual excitement generated by fighting Spike, that causes Buffy to give in to her feelings for him.
* Can't Spit It Out: The appearance of Amy gives Buffy an excuse not to confess to Willow about kissing Spike.
* Coincidental Broadcast: At least we just see the tail end.
* Coitus Uninterruptus: Buffy and Spike are making out so passionately they don't even notice the building is collapsing, including a massive beam that crashes to the floor seconds after they've moved out of its way.
* Combat Sadomasochist
* Come Alone: Buffy receives a phone call from Spike as sinister music plays.
* Continuity Lock Out (In-Universe)
* Continuity Nod: Spike can enter the Trio's headquarters without a Vampire Invitation because Warren's mother invited him inside in "I Was Made To Love You."
* Cliff Hanger: The episode ends on our first Spuffy sex scene, with the day after shown in "Wrecked".
* Death Glare: By an olive with pimento filling. Well you would too if you were about to be eaten.
* Defrosting Ice Queen
* Destructo-Nookie
* Destructive Romance: The self-destructive cycle of the Spuffy relationship is established before it even begins. Buffy's deals with her guilt over her Spike attraction by pigeon-holing him as an evil demon, despite knowing Spike is at his best when treated as an equal. Faced with this attitude, Spike feels the only way he can have Buffy is to drag her down to his level, which only makes Buffy feel even more guilty. And the only way they can communicate without restraint is through sex and violence.
* Does This Remind You of Anything?: Tara's "divorced parents" discussion with Dawn.
* Eureka Moment: Spike after Warren tells him his chip appears to be working normally.
* Failsafe Failure: Jonathan's arm freezes up after firing the Freeze Ray.
* Foe Yay: Taken Up to Eleven -- It's the discovery that Spike can now kill Buffy that is the catalyst for their affair.
* Foreshadowing
* When Amy is eating cookies, a commercial for "Doublemeat Palace" can be heard playing on the television.
* The reason the Trio stole the diamond will be revealed two episodes later in "Gone".
* Warren's indifference to whether Rusty will survive being frozen shows the amoral nature that will come out fully in "Dead Things".
* Buffy initiating sex with Spike in the middle of a violent confrontation will have dire consequences in "Seeing Red".
* Freeze Ray
* Freud Was Right (In-Universe): While admiring the diamond, the Trio conclude that size is indeed everything.
* Funny Background Event: Buffy jumping up and down to see over the crowd at the museum.
* Getting Crap Past the Radar: The (rather loud) sound of Buffy undoing Spike's trouser zipper.
* Gigantic Gulp
* Held Gaze: The mutual "Oh-my-God-I-Can't-Believe-We're-Actually-Doing-It" look between Buffy and Spike when they start, umm, doing it.
* Hell-Bent for Leather: Buffy wears the Leather Skirt of Forbidden Lust during her fateful fight with Spike.
* Ho Yay: The two men wearing gold lame bikini briefs dancing in cages at the Bronze. Also with Spike/Warren.
* Implausible Deniability / Trouble Entendre: The Trio turn away from the museum case they've just cut a hole in and find themselves facing Rusty the security guard.
* Incredibly Lame Pun: Warren's "Dude that is so cool!" after using the Freeze Ray.
* Interplay of Sex and Violence: Getting into a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown with Spike gets Buffy so excited she gives into her lust for him.
* Interrogation by Vandalism: Spike gets the Trio to work for him by holding their limited edition Boba Fett action figure hostage.
* It Doesn't Mean Anything: Buffy tells Spike she only kissed him because she was depressed over Giles leaving for England. Spike just smirks and asks, "Did it work? Did you convince yourself?"
* Language of Magic: With the spell being in Italian rather than Latin.
* The Last of These Is Not Like the Others: Since Amy was turned into a rat; Synder was eaten by a snake, the high school got destroyed, and Gatorade has a new flavor -- Blue.
* Let Us Never Speak of This Again: Buffy would so like to do this with the whole kissing Spike thing. Spike of course has no intention of letting the subject rest in peace.
* Love Is in the Air: Amy makes a tall brunette lesbian instantly fall for Willow. Originally she was supposed to make the two annoying frat boys make out with each other, but Joss Whedon thought that would have Unfortunate Implications over being able to change someone's sexuality at the flick of a switch.
* "Mission Impossible" Cable Drop: Parodied when Andrew drops down on cables to steal a diamond, only to have Warren and Jonathan stroll into the museum normally.
* Mixed Metaphor / Master of the Mixed Message
* Mundane Utility: Using magic for Hollywood Hacking and playing pool.
* Naked on Arrival: Amy
* Never My Fault: Willow keeps insisting that Tara left her over 'minor' issues that got blown out of proportion.
* The Nicknamer: Xander refers to Spike as "Captain Peroxide."
* Note to Self:: Willow offers to help Amy with a forgetting spell, but given what happened in the previous episode suggests she sew nametags into her clothes first.
* Oh Crap: The Trio when Spike bursts in on them. Buffy when Spike hits her without any sign of pain.
* Parent Trap Plot: Dawn is trying to get her two mommies back together.
* Relationship Upgrade
* Rule of Symbolism: The house collapsing around them as Buffy and Spike begin their Destructive Romance.
* Shapeshifting: Willow and Amy transform the dancers at the Bronze into sheep, giant strawberry people, cage dancers, and various other things just for the Hecate of it.
* Slap Slap Kiss: More like Bash-Insult-Kiss-Rough Sex as the House Falls Down.
* Slasher Smile: Spike when he first realises his chip isn't working.
* Suspiciously Apropos Music: The ending sequence cuts back and forth between the scene of Spike and Buffy fighting in the abandoned house, and Willow and Amy doing magic for fun at the Bronze. An all-male band called Virgil is playing their song Here, with the chorus: "What is wrong here?/What is wrong with you?/What is wrong here?/Where is your head?" Willow and Amy decide they dislike the music, so they turn them into the all-female band Halo Friendlies, performing their song Run Away: "I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be alone/I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go it alone/Every time I see you/I just can't find words to say/I just want to turn and run away/I can't find the time and place to say what I need to say..." Eventually Willow and Amy decide that they've had their fun and turn everything back as it was, including turning the band back into Virgil performing Here.
* Special Effect Failure: During the magic-fest at the Bronze, a hand can be seen pushing the floating man on the catwalk behind Willow and Amy.
* Talking to Himself: Spike working himself up to bite the girl in the alley.
* That Came Out Wrong
* Spike gripes about how the chip prevented him from hurting the muggers.
* Tempting Fate: Buffy says, "We can't assume that everybody's getting seduced, you know." Next moment Seductive Spike calls Buffy to set up their fateful meeting.
* "What are you gonna do, walk behind me to death?" As Spike says in reply, Buffy ought to be careful; things might be different.
* Then Let Me Be Evil: Buffy rejects Spike's advances as he's "an evil twisted thing". It's at this point Spike discovers the chip doesn't work, so Spike's first act is to find a female victim and try to feed on her.
* "Shut Up" Kiss: Buffy to Spike
* Toxic Friend Influence: Amy for Willow.
* Trash Talk: Buffy and Spike trade Hannibal Lecture snarks while trying to bash each others' heads in.
* Two Part Episode
* Walk in Chime In: A husband and wife are being mugged.
* Wall-Bang Her: Not that the wall's there for long.
* What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Ashamed over her growing attraction to Spike, Buffy reverts to pre-"Intervention" behaviour, punching Spike at will and deriding him as an evil disgusting thing unworthy of her love.
* You Owe Me: Averted; Warren thinks he can help Spike in exchange for help against the Slayer. Spike shoots down any idea of a deal before he's finished talking. As the Trio don't know about Spike's inhibitor chip, none of them have the cojones to protest.
* You Won't Feel a Thing: Spike about to eat someone. "This might hurt a little..."