| - The Traditional Christian Calendar year is divided into four quarters of equal length, named for the gospels, and each contains three months, named for the first apostles. Phases of the sun and moon are not explicitly considered by the calendar, but it is hardly less lunisolar than the Julian calendar. Two different kinds of weeks are employed: the longer one, like ours, has seven days and originates in the story of genesis, the shorter one has just five days and there are 72 thereof in a year, commemorating Jesus’s disciples.
| - The Traditional Christian Calendar year is divided into four quarters of equal length, named for the gospels, and each contains three months, named for the first apostles. Phases of the sun and moon are not explicitly considered by the calendar, but it is hardly less lunisolar than the Julian calendar. Two different kinds of weeks are employed: the longer one, like ours, has seven days and originates in the story of genesis, the shorter one has just five days and there are 72 thereof in a year, commemorating Jesus’s disciples. The year begins with the feast in memory of Jesus’s life and death: Birth – Preaching – Crucifixion – Resurrection – Ascension. This span of five days, sometimes called a Sabbath, does not formally belong to any week, month or quarter. Every fourth year it is preceded by another day to celebrate the (holy) family and the community. Other festivities are held on the second-to-last day of the week, spread across the year. In later times, four days of the holy quasi-week were distributed across the year as holidays. They would fall between the 15th and 16th day of every second month in a quarter, the family day was moved to the middle of the year. The Birth day (alias christmas) remained at the beginning. They still did not belong to any week or month.