| - Kovas Irimore was a Reussi Force-user, genetic engineer, and proponent of aggressive action to counter the spread of the Sith during the New Sith War. He planned to restore the polluted ecosystem of Reuss VIII by combining Kaminoan cloning technology, Yuuzhan Vong shaping, and techniques he learned from a volume of the Dark Side Compendium, The Creation of Monsters, spending more than sixteen years of his life accumulating the necessary knowledge. During his time with the Assault Team, Kovas would make enemies of many powerful Sith, most notably Saber Windu Brimstone Ra and his Kashyyyk Sith.
| - Kovas Irimore was a Reussi Force-user, genetic engineer, and proponent of aggressive action to counter the spread of the Sith during the New Sith War. He planned to restore the polluted ecosystem of Reuss VIII by combining Kaminoan cloning technology, Yuuzhan Vong shaping, and techniques he learned from a volume of the Dark Side Compendium, The Creation of Monsters, spending more than sixteen years of his life accumulating the necessary knowledge. His latent Force-sensitivity manifested several times during this period, but he failed to recognize it for what it was until he was injured exploring the wilds of Kashyyyk and taken in by a band of Sayormi whose leader, Forma of the Sayormi, was also a Force-sensitive and a "witch" in her tribe. She taught him much about the Force, but after he discovered her brutal treatment of other outsiders he confronted and killed her and her warriors in a duel. Departing from Kashyyyk, he sensed a call through the Force and traveled to the Forest Moon of Endor, where he discovered the Old Man of Aurilia, an aged Force-sensitive who had mentored various fugitives from the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. The Old Man trained Kovas for seven years before becoming one with the Force, and sending his student out into the galaxy. Using the Shatterpoint technique he detected a potential ally, a rogue Jedi named Alzoridan, and the two met on Corellia. Alzoridan convinced Kovas of the threat the Sith represented to the balance of the Force, and the two of them formed the First Jedi Assault Team together. During his time with the Assault Team, Kovas would make enemies of many powerful Sith, most notably Saber Windu Brimstone Ra and his Kashyyyk Sith.