Captain Widdershins, captain of the Queequeg, is a V.F.D. Volunteer and the step-father of Fernald and Fiona. His personal motto is "He who hesitates is lost." Widdershins has a very long mustache that curls up at both ends like a pair of parentheses. He has a rather peculiar way of speaking, often making redundant comments and interjecting them with the word "Aye!" and he feels a great need to remain in control, objecting when anyone makes a statement that could be even slightly construed as a command. Widdershins cares very much for Fiona and refuses to discuss any of V.F.D.'s secrets in front of her. This, he believes, will keep her from harm. It is clear that he knows many of said secrets, and it is known that he taught Olivia Caliban (Madame Lulu) how to read coded stains on maps.
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| - Captain Widdershins, captain of the Queequeg, is a V.F.D. Volunteer and the step-father of Fernald and Fiona. His personal motto is "He who hesitates is lost." Widdershins has a very long mustache that curls up at both ends like a pair of parentheses. He has a rather peculiar way of speaking, often making redundant comments and interjecting them with the word "Aye!" and he feels a great need to remain in control, objecting when anyone makes a statement that could be even slightly construed as a command. Widdershins cares very much for Fiona and refuses to discuss any of V.F.D.'s secrets in front of her. This, he believes, will keep her from harm. It is clear that he knows many of said secrets, and it is known that he taught Olivia Caliban (Madame Lulu) how to read coded stains on maps.
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| - Captain Widdershins, captain of the Queequeg, is a V.F.D. Volunteer and the step-father of Fernald and Fiona. His personal motto is "He who hesitates is lost." Widdershins has a very long mustache that curls up at both ends like a pair of parentheses. He has a rather peculiar way of speaking, often making redundant comments and interjecting them with the word "Aye!" and he feels a great need to remain in control, objecting when anyone makes a statement that could be even slightly construed as a command. Widdershins cares very much for Fiona and refuses to discuss any of V.F.D.'s secrets in front of her. This, he believes, will keep her from harm. It is clear that he knows many of said secrets, and it is known that he taught Olivia Caliban (Madame Lulu) how to read coded stains on maps. He disappeared in The Grim Grotto when a woman came and he (and Phil) left with her. He was last heard from when Kit Snicket said he was aboard the Queequeg when Hector's Self-Sustaining Hot Air Mobile Home crashed into it. Widdershins chose to take his chances with the Great Unknown and nothing else has been heard of him.
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