The HVW Polish Championship is a professional e-wrestling championship in High Voltage Wrestling (HVW). The title was suspended by Vlad Biggmaczynski after HVW has been taken over by EWF.
HVW Polish Championship to profesjonalny tytuł mistrzowski w High Voltage Wrestling (HVW). Pierwszym mistrzem był Alex "The IOOT" Scorp. Po przejęciu HVW przez Extreme Wrestling Federation tytuł został zawieszony.
The HVW Polish Championship is a professional e-wrestling championship in High Voltage Wrestling (HVW). The title was suspended by Vlad Biggmaczynski after HVW has been taken over by EWF.
HVW Polish Championship to profesjonalny tytuł mistrzowski w High Voltage Wrestling (HVW). Pierwszym mistrzem był Alex "The IOOT" Scorp. Po przejęciu HVW przez Extreme Wrestling Federation tytuł został zawieszony.
The HVW Polish Championship is a professional e-wrestling championship in High Voltage Wrestling (HVW). The title was suspended by Vlad Biggmaczynski after HVW has been taken over by EWF.