| - Art has always been an outlet of dissension. These days, this reputation is most strongly associated with rock music. And where you get dissension, you get people trying to stamp it out. That's where the Culture Police come in. The Culture Police are bad guys who try to stamp out art (most commonly rock and pop music and/or dancing) for whatever reason. Mundane versions may simply be exaggerated versions of real-life Moral Guardians operating on a local level, or trying to drum up support to expand their pro-censorship campaign. Fantastic versions may be a SPECTRE-esque organization or Scary Dogmatic Aliens whose scheme to Take Over the World involves stamping out freedom of expression. The fantastic variety will usually come with armies of Faceless Goons who go around confiscating or destroying books/records/paintings/what have you, and arresting (or killing) people who so much as whistle. The canonical alignment for these bad guys is Lawful Evil. Can easily be perceived as a Take That against any art deliberately allowed by the Culture Police. Truth in Television as several nations have police who do this. One of them is Saudi Arabia, which has the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice. Among their duties is seizing banned consumer products and media regarded as un-Islamic (such as CDs/DVDs of various Western musical groups, television shows and film). The Soviet Union regularly purged writers for deviating from Socialist Realism. In addition, just about every nation on Earth has banned various things, including sexual, religious, cultural, and other stuff. See Political Correctness Gone Mad for a similar concept. Compare Moral Guardians and Fan Haters. Examples of Culture Police include: