<default>Abigor</default> BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalität Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher Abigor war einer der verborgenen, ein Trio von gefallenen Engeln. Er benutzte Luft und Wind als sein Medium, um auf der Erde zu manifestieren und hatte die Macht, sich sowohl immateriell als auch zu fliegen und zu kontrollieren mächtige Winde, um seine Gegner zu schlagen.
Abigor is a demon who is a grand duke in hell.
Abigor was one of the Hidden, a trio of fallen angels. He used air and wind as his medium to manifest on Earth and had the power to become intangible as well as fly and control powerful winds to smite his opponents.
thumb|216pxAbigor es un demonio y miembro de Los Ocultos en Ghost Rider.
Abigor is a demonic entity that is not seen in the Spear of Destiny games, but is mentioned in the Spear of Destiny Ultimate Challenge hint-book. Described as a "Demon of Darkness", he is the commander of sixty infernal legions, and knows many secrets. Abigor orders the Devil Incarnate to help Hitler protect the Spear of Destiny. B.J. broke Abigor's spell when he defeated the Devil Incarnate.