| - The Menaphite Pantheon are a group of eight gods worshipped in the desert. Most of them are based off of real-world Egyptian mythology. The Pantheon consists of Tumeken, Icthlarin, Het, Apmeken, Crondis, Scarbaras, Amascut, and Elidinis. In Armies of Gielinor, members may summon followers of the Pantheon into battle.
* Jackal
* Menaphite Thug
* Crocodile
* Bedabin Nomad
* Locust
* Warrior of Itcharin
* Mummy
* Scarabite Mage
* Sphinx
* Kalphite Queen
* Elemental of Eldinis
- The latter four are said to have been created by Tumeken in a dream, wherein he travelled to multiple places and turned an animal who acted well in areas of misbehaviour into a demi-god. According to Aristarchus, a Menaphite historian, a camel god exists, who is worshipped in the desert as well, but they aren't part of the Pantheon.
- After Guthix had gone to sleep, having shaped the world, Tumeken and many other deities one by one discovered Gielinor and, for their own reasons, began interacting with the mortals living there and claiming territory for themselves. It is quite possible, given how little he was antagonised early on, Tumeken was one of the first gods to arrive after Guthix went to sleep. Little is known about Tumeken's arrival but he would claim the Kharidian Lands for himself and the Menaphites living there as his subjects. The Kharidian Lands at the time were a vast area, stretching from Al Kharid in the north what would later become Sophanem in the south, had lush areas of forest, and was rich in resources. In search of companionship, he would meet the goddess Elidinis at the spring of the River Elid an
| - After Guthix had gone to sleep, having shaped the world, Tumeken and many other deities one by one discovered Gielinor and, for their own reasons, began interacting with the mortals living there and claiming territory for themselves. It is quite possible, given how little he was antagonised early on, Tumeken was one of the first gods to arrive after Guthix went to sleep. Little is known about Tumeken's arrival but he would claim the Kharidian Lands for himself and the Menaphites living there as his subjects. The Kharidian Lands at the time were a vast area, stretching from Al Kharid in the north what would later become Sophanem in the south, had lush areas of forest, and was rich in resources. In search of companionship, he would meet the goddess Elidinis at the spring of the River Elid and took her for his wife. From their union Icthlarin and Amascut were born. Together, they founded the Kharidian empire, an immensely prosperous kingdom with the cities Uzer and Ullek among the wealthiest in the world at the time. However, Tumeken was still not finished and, to further co-rule his lands he, according to the legends, entered a deep sleep and dreamed. Every day for four days he would visit a section of his lands and at the end of each day he would create one of four avatars of his essence: Het, Apmeken, Crondis, and Scabaras. These four would form the lesser gods of the Pantheon and each was given a duty by Tumeken to help Menaphite society. Evidence suggests the lesser gods were enthusiastically embraced, with the people of Northern Kharidian building a massive Arena to train warriors of Het. With the multitude of gods now existing in the empire, Tumeken would cease directly ruling the Menaphites, preferring to leave the task to his children, specifically Icthlarin. Thanks to the richness of the lands, the efforts of the Pantheon, and their strategic location, the Empire and its people prospered. However, the prosperity of the Kharidian empire could only go unnoticed for so long. More and more gods started to arrive, with more aggressive ones, such as Saradomin and Zaros, desiring as much territory as possible. Zaros, the god whose empire Forinthry lay closest to the Kharidian Lands, had established his own empire in most of modern day Misthalin and Asgarnia and the Wilderness, calling many wicked races from other realms to his aid. Inevitably, the gods clashed. Zaros attempted to conquer more territory to the south, invading the Kharidian territory. The pantheon resisted and assembled an army of Menaphites and mercenaries, with even the lower gods themselves fighting. Thus, the Kharidian - Zarosian War commenced. Initially, the forces of Zaros were on the winning hand. Despite the best efforts of the Pantheon, they lost ground by the day. The Menaphite forces were driven further and further south. After particularly decisive victory, control of a critical mountain pass was lost, giving the Zarosian forces unrestricted access to the southern desert, and nearly completely destroying the morale of the Menaphites. Icthlarin, realising that all would be lost without aid, left Gielinor in search of allies from other dimensions. Soon, he discovered Freneskae, a plane of eternal warfare, and its inhabitants, an extremely powerful race known as the Mahjarrat. He made an agreement with the Mahjarrat; some of them would come with him to defend his lands, at the promise of fully being able to exercise their powers and bathe in warfare. The combative Mahjarrat agreed to this and followed Icthlarin to Gielinor. They arrived in the midst of battle, as noted by the mercenary Gram Kobold, and began slaughtering the Zarosian troops. Their shapeshifting abilities earned them the title of "The Faceless Ones". They were given the name the "Stern Judges of Icthlarin". Their arrival decisively shifted the direction of the war in the Pantheon's favour. These Zarosians were no match for the Mahjarrat's extremely powerful magic, nor could they inflict any major damage to them, for they would heal almost immediately. Some Mahjarrat went even further than that; the devious Sliske, for example, would not fight directly. Rather, he searched amongst enemy's troops, partially travelling through the Shadow Realm, and converted the strongest of them into his semi-undead wights. These served Sliske mindlessly, battling their own forces. With the aid of the Mahjarrat, the Zarosian forces were soon driven north until finally defeated. The Zarosian armies were forced to abandon the northern mountains and retreat towards the safety of Senntisten. Thus the war ended with a complete victory for the Menaphites, who had recaptured all their former territory. However, with the war won, new problems began to arise almost immediately. Icthlarin ordered Sliske to release the souls of his wights, wanting to escort them to their proper place in the Underworld, but he refused. Icthlarin then forcibly smote the wights and released their souls, which angered Sliske. He defected, later offering his services to Zaros, setting a dangerous trend for the future. Over time this trend would continue, with more and more Mahjarrat becoming disillusioned with Icthlarin, likely for various reasons such as his interference with their necromancy as well as boredom with the newly instated peace of his reign. They started to see Zaros as a more worthy master and, despite swearing "vows of obedience" to Icthlarin, numerous Mahjarrat began defecting. At some point after the death of Queen Senliten the entire race finally abandoned Icthlarin and the rest of the Pantheon. The final mass defection was undoubtedly one of the most critical effects in the entire Second Age, dramatically affecting the balance of power on Gielinor. Despite the short time the "Stern Judges of Icthlarin" spent in the Menaphite empire, they would make several critical contributes to its future and the Pantheon's. First, the era can be considered a golden age for the Menaphite people. The power of the Mahjarrat made them one of the most powerful and influential fractions on Gielinor. The village of Sophanem was founded, near the delta of the River Elid. Less positively, but ultimately more importantly, was the corruption of Amascut after witnessing the Mahjarrat's power. Her mind is said to have been warped to the point where she became evil. Now the goddess of destruction, she abandoned her divine duties and began eating the souls of people, leaving them unable to die properly, to stop her brother from transporting their souls to the afterlife. She even started to destroy her own temples and followers. Now completely driven by jealousy toward her brother, Amascut would try to undermine him in every way possible. Because of the mass destruction she started to leave in her wake, as well as being completely unpredictable, Amascut, "the Devourer", had become so dangerous that she was possibly feared more than the Zarosians.
- The Menaphite Pantheon are a group of eight gods worshipped in the desert. Most of them are based off of real-world Egyptian mythology. The Pantheon consists of Tumeken, Icthlarin, Het, Apmeken, Crondis, Scarbaras, Amascut, and Elidinis. In Armies of Gielinor, members may summon followers of the Pantheon into battle.
* Jackal
* Menaphite Thug
* Crocodile
* Bedabin Nomad
* Locust
* Warrior of Itcharin
* Mummy
* Scarabite Mage
* Sphinx
* Kalphite Queen
* Elemental of Eldinis
- The latter four are said to have been created by Tumeken in a dream, wherein he travelled to multiple places and turned an animal who acted well in areas of misbehaviour into a demi-god. According to Aristarchus, a Menaphite historian, a camel god exists, who is worshipped in the desert as well, but they aren't part of the Pantheon.