| - "Stellarknight Constellar Diamond"
- "Winda, Priestess of Gusto"
- "Void Expansion"
- "Gem-Knight Crystal"
- "Naturia Leodrake"
- "Altair"
- "Apoqliphort Towers"
- "Baxia, Brightness of the Yang Zing"
- "Betelgeuse"
- "Bi'an"
- "Bixi"
- "Brionac"
- "Cairngorgon"
- "Chaofeng"
- "Chiwen, Light of the Yang Zing"
- "Constellar Sombre"
- "Dance Princess of the Nekroz"
- "Darktellarknight Batlamyus"
- "Denglong, Origin of the Yang Zing"
- "Dragunity Divine Lance"
- "El Shaddoll Anoyatyllis"
- "El Shaddoll Construct"
- "El Shaddoll Fusion"
- "El Shaddoll Grysta"
- "El Shaddoll Shekhinaga"
- "El Shaddoll Wendigo"
- "El Shaddoll Winda"
- "Evilswarm Kerykeion"
- "Exa, Enforcer of the Nekroz"
- "Eye of the Void"
- "Gem-Knight Lapis"
- "Gem-Knight Lazuli"
- "Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz"
- "Gungnir"
- "Hexatellarknight"
- "Infernoid Decatron"
- "Infernoid Devyaty"
- "Infernoid Onuncu"
- "Infernoid Tierra"
- "Laser Qlip"
- "Naturia Sacred Tree"
- "Nekroz Cycle"
- "Nekroz of Sophia"
- "Nephe Shaddoll Fusion"
- "Nine Pillars of Yang Zing"
- "Oracle of Zefra"
- "Pilica, Descendant of Gusto"
- "Procyon"
- "Pulao"
- "Pulao, Wind of the Yang Zing"
- "Purushaddoll Aeon"
- "Qlimate Change"
- "Qliphort Scout"
- "Qlipper Launch"
- "Re-qliate"
- "Ritual Beast Ambush"
- "Ritual Beast Return"
- "Ritual Beast Tamer Elder"
- "Ritual Beast Tamer Wen"
- "Saqlifice"
- "Satellarknight Alsahm"
- "Satellarknight Deneb"
- "Satellarknight Skybridge"
- "Satellarknight Unukalhai"
- "Shaddoll Core"
- "Shaddoll Dragon"
- "Shaddoll Falco"
- "Shaddoll Hedgehog"
- "Shaddoll Zefracore"
- "Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz"
- "Sinister Shadow Games"
- "Sirius"
- "Sophia, Goddess of Rebirth"
- "Steelswarm Roach"
- "Stellarknight Alpha"
- "Stellarknight Delteros"
- "Stellarknight Triverr"
- "Stellarnova Alpha"
- "Stellarnova Wave"
- "Suanni"
- "Suanni, Fire of the Yang Zing"
- "Taotie"
- "Tellarknight Genesis"
- "Tellarknight Ptolemaeus"
- "Tierra, Source of Destruction"
- "Trishula"
- "Ultimate Providence"
- "Vega"
- "Void Feast"
- "Void Launch"
- "Void Purification"
- "Void Seer"
- "Void Trap Hole"