| - Varik Finn was a male Human Exchange Boss who served as the leader of the Exchange operations on Nar Shaddaa. In 3,723 BBY, Finn was born on Taris, a world still ruined by the bombardment ordered by Darth Malak during the Jedi Civil War. His family moved to Nar Shaddaa, the Smugglers' Moon, during his childhood, and remained there until he came of age.
| - Varik Finn was a male Human Exchange Boss who served as the leader of the Exchange operations on Nar Shaddaa. In 3,723 BBY, Finn was born on Taris, a world still ruined by the bombardment ordered by Darth Malak during the Jedi Civil War. His family moved to Nar Shaddaa, the Smugglers' Moon, during his childhood, and remained there until he came of age. While on Nar Shaddaa, Finn fell into a life of petty crime in order to survive, and eventually joined the Exchange, a galaxy-spanning criminal organization that had a large base of operations on the Smugglers' Moon. In several years, Finn worked his way through the ranks until he eventually assumed the leadership of the Exchange operations. Under his leadership, the Exchange expanded from the Corellian Sector to establish operations in the Duros Sector, Nikto Sector, and Lower Industrial Sector. In 3,687 BBY, the Exchange Underboss Ukabi revolted against Finn's leadership. Despite many in the Exchange remaining loyal to him, Finn was assassinated by Ukabi-supporter Xandral within a week after Ukabi began his rebellion. His death left the remnants of the Exchange that remained loyal to him in disarray, and led to the solidification of Ukabi's power base.