| - Pleasantview ( /ˈplɛzəntvju/) is one of the three pre-made neighborhoods shipped with The Sims 2. In theory, it is the neighborhood from the original The Sims game 25 years later. It is also mentioned that Gunther Goth founded Pleasantview. There are a total of 22 residential lots in Pleasantview, and there are another 12 houses in the Lots and Houses Bin. Out of these 22 houses, there are at least three mansions. Three homes are trailers, and may or may not be part of a trailer park. (The game does not treat them as part of a trailer park, but players can.) Several more houses make up a series of condos. Finally, one house is an old shack in the woods. The houses in the housing bin can add further variety, offering a hacienda, a Tudor, a bungalow, and even a farmhouse. Furthermore, there are six pre-made families already living in the neighborhood, and two more in the Family Bin. For the families that start out moved-in, the median amount of family funds is around 1000 simoleons. Even a family with no significant income will generally have enough to pay one or two rounds of bills. Pleasantview has many different districts and areas. When placing the water at the bottom of the screen, and viewing it as the water being the South, then: On the upper-left corner, there are some trailers. (The area is often interpreted as being a trailer park, but that's not necessarily the case.) Above the trailers is a wooded area with an isolated shack. In the upper-right corner, there is an area mostly made up of condos, and often called "The Condo Area" or "The Condo District". Around the western Main Street Area is the main commercial area, where the pre-made community lots can be found. Central and eastern Pleasantview contain large suburban houses. The only large house in western Pleasantview is the Pleasants' home. The south, by the water, is Wright Way, which contains the very large and fancy neighborhood (made up of only two unoccupied houses), though some include the Goths and Pleasants in this area. It is believed that Pleasantview is the town in The Sims as they share streets with the same name, (another theory is that Pleasantview is off to the side, making the streets a continuation of the original) and was possibly Sunset Valley in The Sims 3.