| - Vendor 1: “Hey! You three stop!” Girl: “What are you doing!? Let go o-“ Vendor 1: “I saw you steal that food. Give everything back or I’ll alert the marines” Hooded stranger: “That won’t be necessary sir, my sister has stolen nothing. I’m sure she will let you search her if you wish, right sis?” Girl: “Go ahead, you won’t find anything from any of your kiosks.” Vendor 1: “You two have it all then.” Vendor 2: “She gave you everything didn’t she?” Guy: “Everyone please calm down, we don’t want any trouble. You’ve checked my daughter and found nothing. What more do you wa-“ Hooded stranger: “No one touches either of them.” Guy: “Son, let your sister handle this.” Guy:”You may kill them.” Vendor 2: “Guys? Are you alright? What just happened?!” Vendor 3: “Big mistake little girl. If you were going to do something, you should have taken us all out.” Girl: “Don’t worry, I will.” Suddenly both “boom” guns are in her hands raised at the Vendors… Girl: “Target.” Girl: “Kill.” Guy: “it’s time for us to leave…” Hooded stranger: “Cmon sis…” Marine 1: “Freeze, you are all under arrest.” Girl: “Manual aim” Marine 2: “Tha……That’s Yuki Sanamoto!” Marine 3: “B….But that means…..Those two are…” Marine 4: “Reaper of the Fate Pirates….” Marine 5: “And the man who single handedly took out the Fate Assassins, The Fate Pirates captain Arsen.” Reaper: “We were so close to getting out of here too. Damn.” Yuki: “Arsen, your orders?” Arsen: “We don’t kill marines, you know that….would it kill you to start calling me “dad” again?” Yuki: “I’d love to stay and talk to you boys…” Yuki: “…But we really have to go. Fire!”