| - The Aviana Sodality (commonly referred to as "Avians") is a scholarly, fraternal order. They take the mantle of the demigoddess Aviana as their own, the messenger raven of Elune, who ascended to godhood by her very wisdom. The Order itself traces a fuzzy ancestry to Aviana's druidic followers, the Druids of the Talon, but after the Third War, became a very distinguishable entity with the inclusion of the Night Elves' new allies among its membership.
| - The Aviana Sodality (commonly referred to as "Avians") is a scholarly, fraternal order. They take the mantle of the demigoddess Aviana as their own, the messenger raven of Elune, who ascended to godhood by her very wisdom. The Order itself traces a fuzzy ancestry to Aviana's druidic followers, the Druids of the Talon, but after the Third War, became a very distinguishable entity with the inclusion of the Night Elves' new allies among its membership. Though the earliest Avians did worship Aviana as a true goddess (and indeed, a small traditionalist portion still does), they have steadily grown more secularized over time, particularly following the Third War. These days the Raven serves as an icon, more than a goddess, as a goal to be achieved and honored. The demigod who achieved ascension through knowledge and wisdom, not by divine birth like Cenarius. Her status is one, in theory, that could be mimicked. And though ascension is perhaps a lofty goal, many members do seek some kind of an enlightenment, salvation, or repentance through learning. Avians do not distinguish, with very, very few exceptions, between "good knowledge" and "bad knowledge". All information is deemed worthy, or at the least, desirable to have. Instead the Avians see the application of knowledge as the difference between good and evil. For this reason Avians distinguish between knowledge and wisdom. Due to this, the Avians accept members of all studies and professions. They embrace combat skills, anatomy, and arcane philosophy alongside the more traditional history, art, and cultural studies. A warlock is just as welcome as a druid, what matters to the order is the nature of their morals. Along with seeking knowledge, Avians have grown to see themselves as "protectors" of knowledge. They will try to lift the veil of ignorance where they can. This can be accomplished by teaching others, but at the same time, keeping it out of "untrustworthy" hands, and the Avians have a sort of enforcement arm for these tasks, made up of more roguish personalities.