| - Wooden shields are one of the basic type of Shields in ADOM. They have base stats of [+3, +1], though these do vary from time to time.
- This item is autokeep. This means that if you die with it, you will always keep it.
- Quest: ???
- (with Haggle 0)
* Buy: 3D
* Sell: 1D 5T
- The Wooden Shield is the worst shield available, giving the lowest defense bonus when equipped. When wielding the shield, it looks almost identical to the bronze square shield on the player. The wooden shield cannot be made and is given to players on Tutorial Island. A player may also purchase one for 20gp at Cassie's Shields in Falador.
- Wooden shield is a piece of armor in Divinity: Original Sin.
- A Wooden Shield is made out of 3 Ingots, 3 Boards and 1 Pack of Nails at Woodcrafting level 5, the more durable GM Version at Level 10. It adds 20 points to your weight and 4 points to your Armor Rating. it can only be carried with one-handed Weapons.
- The Wooden Shield is a recurring shield in the Legend of Zelda series. As its name implies, this small shield is made of wood.
- Its stats are equal to the Training shield but worse than Anti-dragon shield.
- Defense: 5 Level: 1 Sort: Shield
- Dropped by: As far as I know it is not dropped any more which lead to a number of players thinking that it has been deleted from the game. This is not true and can be found at a spawn location in Varrock and can be bought from Cassie's Shield Shop in Falador. Uses: It is the lowest level shild along with the Training Shield, however, it does have +1 magic defence. Cost: 20 coins at Cassie's Shild shop and 120 coins on the Grand Exchange. Used by: Low level new players.
- The Wooden Shield is a in Demon's Souls. In-Game Description A small wooden shield. It is lighter than a metal shield, but because it has low damage absorption rate and durability, it breaks easily.
- Es ist das erste Schild das man benutzen kann. Es besitzt keine nennenswerten Fähigkeiten oder großes Def.Link-Text
- If broken, the shield may be repaired by re-equipping the shield from the inventory. The Wooden Shield was removed as of v3.7.
- The wooden shield resembles a large medieval heater shield with a rounded bottom, composed of several wooden planks vertically going across it with two metal bands securing it. The buy and sell values for this item are 42 File:Shoppe coin.png coins.
- In the official King's Quest 6 Hintbook, this item is known simply as the "Shield".
- A Wooden Shield is a type of item wielded in the shield slot of the inventory. It provides extra defense against enemies. It is usually found in the beginning of the game, as well as being dropped by low-leveled enemies in the later parts of the game. Due to its high weight, having many shields in the inventory becomes very cumbersome. Starting with Geneforge 3, the armor value changed from +5 to +6%.
- The wooden shield is more protective then the small shield. Description: "Small hand-held shield. Very popular with travelling adventurers" Attribute's:
* Blade damage: +3
* Blunt weapon protection: +3
* Piercing weapon protection: +3
* Blunt weapon damage: 2 Gold value:
* 100
- In Golden Sun after the prologue sequences, the player begins in present-day Vale with a level-1 party of Isaac, Garet, and Jenna each equipped with Padded Gloves, and Padded Gloves are the weakest hand armor in the game (and indeed the weakest defensive equipment in the series). It would be very sound to use the 300+ coins you start out with on the better defensive equipment available at Vale's shop, including Wooden Shields for Isaac and Garet, which makes the upcoming dungeon in Sol Sanctum all the easier. Wooden Shields will last until you arrive and shop at Bilibin.
- Image:Wooden Shield.gif Nome: Wooden Shield Tradução: Escudo de Madeira Defesa: 14 Peso: 40,00 oz. Vende para: Sam (Thais) 5 gpShanar (Ab'Dendriel) 5 gpCedrik (Liberty Bay) 5 gpBaltim (Tyrsung) 5 gpWillard (Edron) 5 gpYanni (Venore) 5 gpMemech (Ankrahmun) 5 gpBrengus (Port Hope) 5 gpKroox (Kazordoon) 3 gpLee'Delle (Rookgaard) 3 gpCornelia (Carlin) 3 gpAzil (Darashia) 3 gpH.L. (Outlaw Campo) 1 gp Compra de: Al Dee (Rookgaard) 15 gpSam (Thais) 15 gpWillard (Edron) 15 gpShanar (Ab'Dendriel) 15 gpYanni (Venore) 15 gpCornelia (Carlin) 15 gpMemech (Ankrahmun) 15 gpCedrik (Liberty Bay) 15 gp Valor Estimado: 10 gp. Cai em: Troll, Frost Troll, Island Troll, Orc Warrior, Beholder. Notas: O primeiro escudo que você pode encontrar em Tibia, sendo também o mais fraco deles. Item comum de lootbag para n
- Wooden shield, eli puinen kilpi on pelin heikoin kilpi, mutta yksi pienestä joukosta, jolla ei minkäänlaisen taistelun hyökkäystä tai puolustusta heikentävää vaikutusta. Vaikka soturit siirtyvät nopeasti parempiin kilpiin, on se tyhjää parempi taikoja käyttävälle. Lumbridgen taisteluopettajalta saa harjoituskilven on muuten täysin samanlainen, mutta on paremman näköinen. Wooden shieldiä käyttävät myös yli 110 leveliset pelaajat ihan vaan vitsinä hämätäkseen olevansa köyhiä.Wooden shieldiä ei missään tapauksessa kannata ostaa, koska se on huonompi kuin bronze shieldit mutta maksaa saman verran. Wooden shieldejä ei enää saa Goblineilta kuin ennen vanhaan, vaan korpimaasta. Aivan korpimaan rajan vieressä on maassa Wooden shield. Joskus pure pelaajat käyttävät sitä pelaaja vastaan pelaaja maai