The Arena Eternal, often referred to simply as The Arena, is a vast extradimensional facility controlled by powerful unseen entities known as the Arena Gods, or Vadrigar. The Arena is used by the Vadrigar as a battleground for the Arena Warriors, abducted creatures from all around the Universe hand picked for their combat skills. This is seen by the Arena Gods as some type of entertainment.
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| - The Arena Eternal, often referred to simply as The Arena, is a vast extradimensional facility controlled by powerful unseen entities known as the Arena Gods, or Vadrigar. The Arena is used by the Vadrigar as a battleground for the Arena Warriors, abducted creatures from all around the Universe hand picked for their combat skills. This is seen by the Arena Gods as some type of entertainment.
- File:Quake3.png File:QL.png The Arena Eternal is a self-contained dimension constructed by the mysterious Vadrigar to serve as a battleground for their entertainment. The games Quake III Arena, Quake III: Team Arena and Quake Live take place within it.
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| - The Arena Eternal, often referred to simply as The Arena, is a vast extradimensional facility controlled by powerful unseen entities known as the Arena Gods, or Vadrigar. The Arena is used by the Vadrigar as a battleground for the Arena Warriors, abducted creatures from all around the Universe hand picked for their combat skills. This is seen by the Arena Gods as some type of entertainment.
- File:Quake3.png File:QL.png The Arena Eternal is a self-contained dimension constructed by the mysterious Vadrigar to serve as a battleground for their entertainment. The games Quake III Arena, Quake III: Team Arena and Quake Live take place within it. The Arena is heavily augmented with advanced alien technology, which allows it to defy some of the laws of physics and even create new ones - it literally warps time and space. It is stocked with various weapons, ammo and devices that facilitate combat. There are also numerous hazards, some of which are highly lethal. Nevertheless, death is never permanent in the Arena - fallen fighters are always brought back to life.