| - "Miranda Run!!!!" Shouted Tomas And Miranda did, she ducked as the ape-like creature tried to grab her and ran down the hallway towards the fire-exit. She jumped over a corpse and sprinted towards the subway entrance. Suddenly a strong, hairy hand seized her and lifted her a thy metres in the air. The snarling face of what those soldiers called Brutes looked up at Miranda, a wickedly sharp, serrated knife in its hand which was stained with the blood of hundreds of soldiers. This was it she thought This is how i will die, killed by these ugly things... Suddenly the Brute screamed in pain and a second later it coughed up a mass of blood, Miranda was then aware of the sound of assault rifle fire. She turned her head and saw, between the hair in her eyes, a blurry figure running towards the Brute. The Brute then suddenly loosened its grip and Miranda fell to the floor, she watched out of blurry eyes as the figure wrestled the Brute to the ground, pushed the assault rifle in the Brute's toothy mouth and the sounds of gunfire filled her ears. The figure got up and looked at her, the figure came into focus as it came closer, a giant of a man in shining blue metallic armor and a shotgun on his back. A thought came to her mind as she lost consciousness Our....saviour Jason-J001 crouched and checked the women's vitals, she was just uncoinscious. Jason put down his rifle and turned her over so she was facing the sky, she had elegant features and a beautiful face, she had long brown hair which was in a braid and she looked like she was on a night out. Still she was alive and Admiral Davidson's orders echoed in his mind "Secure the city and save as many civillians as you can, we must protect the people" He pulled the women into his arms and got to his feet, he pressed the COMM on his HUD "Knight-Two, Knight-Three, Knight-Four, Knight-Five and Knight-Six report in" Six green flashes appeared on his HUDs and he sighed, Knight Team was better when together but separated like this was almost a death sentence, it was a great relief to him that they were all alive. Jason ran down the subway and checked his motion tracker, no targets. He uploaded a map of the subway from TACCOM and it appeared on his bottom right, just next to his motion tracker. He put a green marker where he was meant to meet his team, at the cross where the trains used to go to different stations. He jumped into the tunnel, the trains had been shut down hours ago so that people couldn't run from the ground assault or the glassing. Soon he came to the crossing, he lay the women ona stable collumn, he then looked around for the rest of his team. They were supposed to rendevouz here at this time but where were they? Suddenly a flash moved on his motion tracker, he pointed his rifle at the direction of the unidentified assailant. Suddenly a shadow appeared in the distance, he pointed his rifle at the shadow "Ring!" he shouted, the codeword which Knight team had all agreed on. The shadow raised its hand and it came into the light...a white, armoured hand which gave the ring gesture. I lowered my rifle "Hello Knight-Six" the shadow entered the light, a white armoured women in Mark VI EVA Armour, a Shotgun was on her back and she had three bodies lumped on her shoulders. She put them down just next to the girl and faced me, she pointed at her HUD and i knew she meant if the others were close "Not yet, your the first to come" She nodded. Suddenly there came a loud clank right next to Jason's head and a combat knife was stuck from the hilt into the solid stone column. Gale came out of the shadows, a body over his shoulder "Nice to see you guys" he smiled, he placed the survivor next to the others and took off his helmet showing off his short cropped brown hair hair and brown eyes and a hard face "I saw Hope in one of the hotels fighting off a horde of Grunts, he should be right behind me" And i am came a voice from my COMM Hope ran out of the shadows with at least four bodies, two on each shoulder and plasma marks all over his armour, he placed them with the rest and took of his helmet showing off his spiky red hair and freckles along with his sea green eyes. "District 2 and 5 are lost, they're swarming with Covenant" I swore under my breath, Commander Xi was in District 2 with the rescue pelican "That means we're on our own" "Well not all of you" came a voice and Kelly and Haru came out of the shadow, Kelly holding two survivors and a small child hiding behind her leg and Haru was carrying a wounded six year old boy. Elie took the wounded boy and put him on the floor, Hope pulled out a canister of biofoam and began closing the wound which must have came from an energy sword. "Will he live?" Asked Haru and the tone in his voice meant he was genuily worried, "The sword cut into the bone, i can't fix it right away, this is plasma dammage after all, but i can dull the pain" Hope said, rubbing the biofoam in the wound. Haru sighed in relief and took of his helmet, his black hair and features like a hawk illuminated in the light. Kelly put the survivors with the others and the small girl sat with one of them, her father. She then put off her helmet and her light blond hair which was tied in a braid fell down to her back, her beautiful features glowing in the light, she turned to Jason "I saw Commander Xi, he was put to death by a Ultra Elite in front of his men...it then commanded the Minors to slit the rests throats" Jason bit back hi anger, casulties always happen...but still, Commander Xi...no Lee Xi was in the UNSC for 20 years, he was a great commander and would have led his men from hell and back again. Jason suddenly remembered "What about the pelican? have the Elites found it?" Kelly shook her head "Its at the top of the Communications Tower, about 4 miles away" "Good if the pelican is still there we may still have a chance, how long till the Covenant glass the planet" Kelly checked her HUD timer "About 18 hours" "Good i think i have a plan, gather the others" When the others had gathered around a small shabby table Jason began to explain his plan on a paper map of the area "Ok so this is the top priority, we must get these survivors off this planet asap, the Dawn of the Argonaut is waiting for us at a safe orbit about 20 clicks away at south-west" Every one nodded and agreed "We will first have to wait till nightfall, a good 3 hours rest and chance to restock our ammo" Jason turned to Haru "How many weapons did you get" Haru pulled out an old shabby back and poured the contents onto the table, a plasma pistol, two brute spikers, six energy swords and a plasma cannon with about 3 rounds. Jason took one energy sword and hooked it to his side, he then grabbed his MA5B Assault Rifle and hooked it to his back and watched the survivors. Miranda stirred, her eyes opening slightly. Her eyes widened when she saw him, the man in blue armor. She pulled herself to her feet but found herself stumbling to the ground "Whoa there!" came a voice, she then relised she had bumped into someone, it was a middle aged man with gray hair and a chubby physique whering Bermuda shorts and shirt, a tourist. "So sorry" said Miranda, rubbing her head to fight the diziness, she did this until the whole room came to focus, there were about 12 other people like her in here, counting two children, a small boy with his arm in a bloody sling and a girl who was holding his hand. She also noticed six other people dressed like the man in blue armor, some of them had their helmets off revealing their faces but the rest just stood at the tunnels, guarding us. She turned to the man in blue armor "Where are we and who are you people?" The man looked at her, he then pulled off his helmet showing his spiky black hair and handsome face "I am SPARTAN-001 or Jason-001 and we're somewhere in the subway tunnels of New Sigma" She looked around to see he was right, she recognized the graffiti when she went on the subway train with Tomas. A memory surfaced in her mind and panic rushed threw her veins "Oh no! Tomas!" She made for the tunnel but a Spartan, obiviously a women, wearing a helmet that she remembered was an EVA, stopped her in her tracks and Jason grabbed Miranda's shoulder "You can't leave, Brutes and Elites are patrolling the surface, it is safer to remain here until nightfall" Miranda turned to Jason "My fiancee is out there! The only reason i'm here now is because of him!" "He's dead, its been 2 hours since i brought you here, the Brutes have either killed him or are torturing him for information" Miranda couldn't believe what she was hearing, tears were welling up in her eyes "Please..." She begged "He's all i got..." Jason stared at her, he then turned to the rest of the Spartans "Mission Update: Me and a partner will go with miss..." he turned to me "Miranda, Miranda Dane" "Miss Dane to find her fiancee and any more survivors in the area, for this i will need a volunteer to come with me" Elie immediately stepped forward and nodded her head "I guess that answers the question" WIP