Attributes | Values |
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fr name
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es lore
| - Si no controlas "Templo de los Reyes", destruye esta carta. Destierra cualquier monstruo destruido en batalla con esta carta. Si esta carta destruye un monstruo en batalla: esta carta gana 500 ATK.
el name
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Romaji Name
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hr name
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ja lore
| - ①:自分フィールドに「王家の神殿」が存在しない場合にこのカードは破壊される。②:このカードがモンスターゾーンに存在する限り、このカードが戦闘で破壊したモンスターは除外される。③:このカードが戦闘でモンスターを破壊した場合に発動する。このカードの攻撃力は500アップする。
tsc lore
| - Earth (Alignment)
- A powerful scorpionlike being that can envelop a monster on the foe's field to power itself up.
it lore
| - Se non controlli "Tempio dei Re", distruggi questa carta. Bandisci qualsiasi mostro distrutto in battaglia con questa carta. Se questa carta distrugge un mostro in battaglia: esso guadagna 500 ATK.
pt name
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| - * Banishes from your opponent's field
* Banishes cards that would be sent to the Graveyard
| - If you do not control "Temple of the Kings", destroy this card. Banish any monster destroyed by battle with this card. If this card destroys a monster by battle: It gains 500 ATK.
pt lore
| - Se você não controlar "Templo dos Reis", destrua este card. Bana quaisquer monstros destruídos em batalha com este card. Se este card destruir um monstro em batalha: ele ganha 500 de ATK.
it name
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stat change
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trans name
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ko lore
| - ①: 자신 필드에 "왕가의 신전"이 존재하지 않을 경우에 이 카드는 파괴된다. ②: 이 카드가 몬스터 존에 존재하는 한, 이 카드가 전투로 파괴한 몬스터는 제외된다. ③: 이 카드가 전투로 몬스터를 파괴했을 경우에 발동한다. 이 카드의 공격력은 500 올린다.
de lore
| - Falls du nicht „Tempel der Könige“ kontrollierst, zerstöre diese Karte. Verbanne alle Monster, die durch Kampf mit dieser Karte zerstört werden. Falls diese Karte ein Monster durch Kampf zerstört: Sie erhält 500 ATK.
ko name
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de name
| - Mystisches Ungeheuer von Serket
es name
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wc6 sets
| - Game Gift Collection
Fairy Collection
Monster Destroy Collection
All Effect Monsters
All at Random
fr lore
| - Si vous ne contrôlez pas "Le Temple des Rois", détruisez cette carte. Bannissez les monstres détruits au combat avec cette carte. Si cette carte détruit un monstre au combat : elle gagne 500 ATK.
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ntr sets
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tr name
| - Serket'in Gizemli Yaratığı
effect types
| - Continuous, Continuous, Trigger
database id
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th name
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rod lore
| - Earth (Alignment)
- A powerful scorpionlike being that can envelop a monster on the foe's field to power itself up.
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tsc name
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ar name
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Ja Name
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wc6 lore
| - This card is destroyed unless you have "Cathedral of Nobles" on your Field. Each time this card destroys a monster in battle, that monster is removed from play, and this card receives a 500 point ATK bonus.