Val Royeaux is the capital city of Orlais, and home to the Andrastian Chantry. It lies on the northern coast of the far inland tip of the Waking Sea. It is one of the largest cities of Thedas. The city's residents refer to themselves as "Royans."
Val Royeaux ist die Hauptstadt des Staates Orlais. Sie findet bereits in Dragon Age: Origins Erwähnung, und in Dragon Age: Inquisition wird sie zu einem erkundbaren Gebiet.
Val Royeaux is the capital city of Orlais, and home to the Andrastian Chantry. It lies on the northern coast of the far inland tip of the Waking Sea. It is one of the largest cities of Thedas. The city's residents refer to themselves as "Royans."
Val Royeaux ist die Hauptstadt des Staates Orlais. Sie findet bereits in Dragon Age: Origins Erwähnung, und in Dragon Age: Inquisition wird sie zu einem erkundbaren Gebiet.
Val Royeaux is the capital city of Orlais, and home to the Andrastian Chantry. It lies on the northern coast of the far inland tip of the Waking Sea. It is one of the largest cities of Thedas. The city's residents refer to themselves as "Royans."