Gunshow is a web comic made by KC Green. Starting off as a small gag a day strip, the jokes became more complicated over time. Over time it has developed a spanning continuity, with some recurring characters such as the Anime Club (who now have their own page!), The Rabbits and The Hairy Criminal. However it still remains a largely a gag a day comic, and knowing the continuity is largely more a Mythology Gag than something needed to understand the comic.
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| - Gunshow is a web comic made by KC Green. Starting off as a small gag a day strip, the jokes became more complicated over time. Over time it has developed a spanning continuity, with some recurring characters such as the Anime Club (who now have their own page!), The Rabbits and The Hairy Criminal. However it still remains a largely a gag a day comic, and knowing the continuity is largely more a Mythology Gag than something needed to understand the comic.
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| - Gunshow is a web comic made by KC Green. Starting off as a small gag a day strip, the jokes became more complicated over time. Over time it has developed a spanning continuity, with some recurring characters such as the Anime Club (who now have their own page!), The Rabbits and The Hairy Criminal. However it still remains a largely a gag a day comic, and knowing the continuity is largely more a Mythology Gag than something needed to understand the comic.
* Alternative Rock: If you're not sure, then it's alternative.
* Art Evolution: A couple years will do that.
* Affectionate Parody: Skylar Popcollar, and the Hairy Criminal's Tales From The Creep.
* Body Horror: Ima combines with Satan after she ate him as a wolf during a worldwide wolf invasion.
* Black Comedy
* Combined with Sadist Show and Diabolus Ex Machina/Deus Angst Machina in Two Friends. GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP
* Breakout Character: The Anime Club started as a one-off joke and grew into a rather large story.
* Brick Joke: Comic 319 explains why the rabbit got killed in 111
* Body Horror: Sad Worms.
* Cast of Snowflakes
* Cloudcuckoolander: Ima. Actually, lots of people, but she stands out since she's a recurring character.
* Continuity Creep: More recent comics usually build on past comics, rather then the one off jokes the comic started with.
* Curb Stomp Battle: Literally. With a stapler.
* Dastardly Whiplash: The Villain
* Drowning My Sorrows: Where Mom is.
* Everything's Worse with Wolves: The Wolf Apocalypse.
* Exactly What It Says on the Tin: An Unfunny Taco Named Jeff
* Here We Go Again: The Farm House ends with the wife bringing a new husband to the house.
* Informed Flaw: The Question Hound is a massive tool.
* Intellectual Animal: Played with in Dog Problems, where the dog switches between somewhat intelligent and a regular dog.
* Literally Shattered Lives: Happens to a dog named Glassie.
* Marijuana Is LSD: This Shrek comic.
* Mind Screw: The Farm House.
* Mummy: Cummy Mummy.
* Non-Indicative Name: The Hairy Criminal isn't hairy at all.
* Off-Model: Invoked with this Simpsons comic.
* Rain of Blood: The Blood Cloud
* Shout-Out: To The Far Side in this comic.
* A more subtle one: these two characters from this comic resemble John Egbert and his dad.
* Likewise there are two brief arcs about dogs with improbable god powers and immortality respectively.
* He also refers to Andrew Hussie in the comments and apologizes for taking character designs.
* The alt text for "Two Friends" is A Lesson Is Learned but The Damage Is Irreversible.
* What's Jughead Building in There?
* The alt text for this comic is a reference to Cave Story.
* Waddling Head: The skull with sunglasses and sneakers.