| - I've Been to Titan is a drinking game played by crewmen on Red Dwarf. The viewer is introduced to this drinking game by Dave Lister, Olaf Petersen, Selby and Chen in a flashback in "Balance of Power". The format is probably a consistent four line stanza, but with a changeable number in the third line, and a changeable challenge in the fourth:
* I've been to Titan
* I've been to Juno
* I can name (number) things
* That (challenge), you know The contestants then proceed to give correct answers until they get stuck, and whoever gets stuck is 'punished'. The first example we are given fits this pattern:
* I've been to Titan
* I've been to Juno
* I can name eight things
* That go in jars, you know
* Pickles!
* Jam!
* Spaghetti!
* Brains! Lister's contribution is ironic, given what happens to his future self in the Series VI episode "Out of Time". Anyway, the format of the verse seems to be adaptable, dropping the "you know" from the last line to allow for longer challenges, and changing the place name in the second line to keep the rhyme. Whether this departure from the rules is commonplace is questionable, as the second example is more of a joke at Lister's expense over his crush on Kochanski than a round of the game. But as it's only a drinking game, so who gives a smeg?
* I've been to Titan
* I've been to Polanski
* I can name ninety men
* Who've slept with Kochanski
* Me!
* Me!
* Me!
* The London Jets Juniors!
* The service droids!
* My mother! That is just about all there is to it but this site is not responsible for any damage inflicted from alcohol overdose!