| - El número (968) es el número natural que sigue al 967 y precede al 969. Categoría:Números
- Jeb shows up at Widow's Hill, looking for Carolyn, but finds Philip instead. Philip won't let him leave, and prepares to push him over the edge of the cliff. Jeb hits Philip with a rock and manages to free himself. He tells Philip he doesn't want to kill him and tells him to leave. After Philip leaves, he soon reappears from the bushes and lunges at Jeb, but Jeb dodges him and Philip falls to his death. Jeb is visibly shaken, not wanting Philip to die, but then Peter appears. Peter says he doesn't care how many people have to die, and he will only be satisfied when Jeb is finally dead. Jeb hastily leaves and Angelique appears. Angelique informs Peter that she will be the one to kill Jeb, for he ruined her marriage and life with Sky. Peter informs her that Jeb can only be killed by drowning
- Durch Axels selbstherrliches Auftreten provoziert gibt Simone Maximilian grünes Licht, seine Intrige gegen Axel zu starten. Er pflanzt bei Axel die Idee, sich durch eine Blutspenden-Aktion im Zentrum das Image zu verbessern. Doch Axels Freude über die gelungene PR-Aktion währt nicht lange. Denn schon bald erhält er eine beunruhigende Nachricht. Katja kann nicht fassen, dass Isabelle ihr unterstellt, nicht nur das Eislaufen sondern auch Ben wegnehmen zu wollen. Nachdem Tom ein gutes Wort für seine Schwester einlegt und sich Isabelle auch noch bei ihr entschuldigt, setzt Katja sich für Isabelle ein. Mit Erfolg: Isabelle darf ebenfalls beim Sichtungslauf teilnehmen. Doch Isabelle kann den Moment nicht wirklich genießen. Als Roman Marc eröffnet, doch nicht mit ihm nach Hamburg gehen zu können,
| - Durch Axels selbstherrliches Auftreten provoziert gibt Simone Maximilian grünes Licht, seine Intrige gegen Axel zu starten. Er pflanzt bei Axel die Idee, sich durch eine Blutspenden-Aktion im Zentrum das Image zu verbessern. Doch Axels Freude über die gelungene PR-Aktion währt nicht lange. Denn schon bald erhält er eine beunruhigende Nachricht. Katja kann nicht fassen, dass Isabelle ihr unterstellt, nicht nur das Eislaufen sondern auch Ben wegnehmen zu wollen. Nachdem Tom ein gutes Wort für seine Schwester einlegt und sich Isabelle auch noch bei ihr entschuldigt, setzt Katja sich für Isabelle ein. Mit Erfolg: Isabelle darf ebenfalls beim Sichtungslauf teilnehmen. Doch Isabelle kann den Moment nicht wirklich genießen. Als Roman Marc eröffnet, doch nicht mit ihm nach Hamburg gehen zu können, bedeutet dies das Ende ihrer kurzen Beziehung. Marc zeigt Größe: Bevor er Essen verlässt, macht er Deniz darauf aufmerksam, dass Roman ihn noch immer liebt und lieben wird.
- Jeb shows up at Widow's Hill, looking for Carolyn, but finds Philip instead. Philip won't let him leave, and prepares to push him over the edge of the cliff. Jeb hits Philip with a rock and manages to free himself. He tells Philip he doesn't want to kill him and tells him to leave. After Philip leaves, he soon reappears from the bushes and lunges at Jeb, but Jeb dodges him and Philip falls to his death. Jeb is visibly shaken, not wanting Philip to die, but then Peter appears. Peter says he doesn't care how many people have to die, and he will only be satisfied when Jeb is finally dead. Jeb hastily leaves and Angelique appears. Angelique informs Peter that she will be the one to kill Jeb, for he ruined her marriage and life with Sky. Peter informs her that Jeb can only be killed by drowning, but Angelique reminds him she is "no ordinary woman" and has other methods of killing him. Angelique sends Peter back to his grave, promising him that he will soon have his revenge. At Collinwood, Elizabeth has found Carolyn's letter explaining that she has gone away with Jeb. Once she is finished, Carolyn walks in and Elizabeth asks her to reconsider. Carolyn explains that she has no idea where Jeb is. Elizabeth thinks it's because Jeb didn't want to marry her. The phone rings and it's the police, asking for Megan. Philip has escaped from jail and no one has any idea where he is. Jeb appears in Carolyn's room and tells Carolyn to have them look in the water under Widow's Hill. Jeb takes the phone from Carolyn and speaks to the police. The police feel he had a nervous breakdown after hearing Jeb's story. After hanging up, Jeb tells Carolyn he still intends on marrying her, much to her delight. Elizabeth intervenes, saying although she doesn't approve of the marriage, she wants the wedding to be at Collinwood. Jeb is not entirely pleased with the idea, and says he doesn't want anyone to know about it until the ceremony is over. Later that morning, Angelique visits Elizabeth at Collinwood, and tells her that her and Sky are no longer together. Jeb walks in and Angelique immediately begins eyeing him up. Jeb gets nervous and asks to be excused. Before he leaves, he admits to Angelique that he and Carolyn are going to be married. Angelique coldly wishes him best of luck in his marriage. Jeb returns to his cottage/carriage house and finds Angelique waiting for him. He asks why she is there, saying she hardly knows anything about him, but Angelique tells him she knows a great deal about him, and wonders how he is still alive now that the Leviathans have been destroyed. She admits she plans on destroying him very soon. At Collinwood, Elizabeth and Carolyn are preparing for the wedding. Elizabeth has finally agreed to have only a small ceremony at Collinwood. Carolyn thanks Elizabeth for her "support," but she is still sceptical of the marriage. Meanwhile, Jeb and Angelique are still arguing at the carriage house/cottage. Jeb feels that Sky's greed ruined her marriage, not himself. Angelique gives Jeb a black cut-out in the shape of a man with his arms raised, and says it will soon consume him and destroy him. She beckons Jeb to look into the fire and he sees a vision. In the vision, Jeb is asleep in an unknown location. He wakes up and notices a large shadow image engulfing him and killing him. Angelique tells Jeb the shadow will soon follow him wherever he goes. That night at Collinwood, the wedding is about to take place. Jeb admires himself while looking in the mirror. In the background, he sees the shadow and starts to panic. Carolyn walks down the stairs and he quickly calms down. As everyone prepares to enter the drawing room, Jeb again sees the shadow.
- El número (968) es el número natural que sigue al 967 y precede al 969. Categoría:Números