| - January 1: Nominations begin! January 20: Voting begins! February 15: Voting ends and winners are announced! How exciting. Mm-hm. Okay! Things have changed a bit this year, so read the rules! DO NOT DEFY! Now, on to what you guys really care about, the nomming. Well, here are some tips for you and stuff...and...stuff.
* When you nominate an article, it does not have to be of novel length. Length does not equate quality. The Wiki Awards is about quality. Short articles can be awesome, too. Show them some love.
* As well, you don't have to nominate GAs and/or FAs. Just because an article isn't well-known or hasn't been recognized doesn't mean it's not good. Note: This is not to say not to nominate long articles or GAs/FAs, but not to limit yourself to them.
* When nominating for best author and collaborative author, that doesn't mean the most well-known author/s or the author/s that has churned out the most articles. It is for the best. Keep that in mind. Be non-biased. Suck-ups will be shot. Oh, and read Rule #6. File:Grin.gif