| - Foundation
* Difficulty: 4
* Control: 5
* Resource Symbols: All, Order, Void
* Effect: While this card is committed your character gets +1 hand size. During your Ready Phase you may choose to leave this card committed.
- In the beefy state, all melee attacks deal the same damage as a heavy attack, whether it's a light attack, heavy attack, or aerial attack. Throwing enemies does normal throwing damage. Punching an enemy you're standing on top of once will cause you to pick them up. Throwing them will cause them to fly to the opposite side of the screen, knocking down any enemy they touch in the process. This is an excellent form of crowd control.
| - In the beefy state, all melee attacks deal the same damage as a heavy attack, whether it's a light attack, heavy attack, or aerial attack. Throwing enemies does normal throwing damage. Punching an enemy you're standing on top of once will cause you to pick them up. Throwing them will cause them to fly to the opposite side of the screen, knocking down any enemy they touch in the process. This is an excellent form of crowd control. While beefy sandwiches are powerful tools, using them in combat is very unwise, and often times a death-wish on insane mode. (Try using a sandwich while the Troll Mother has a full field of baby Trolls spawned, on Full Moon, against the Industrial Machine, against the Frost King on insane mode or the Necromancer fight on insane mode if you want to learn the hard way that this is a HORRIBLE idea.)
- Foundation
* Difficulty: 4
* Control: 5
* Resource Symbols: All, Order, Void
* Effect: While this card is committed your character gets +1 hand size. During your Ready Phase you may choose to leave this card committed.