| - *Genius-level Intellect: Adriano is a Polymath. He is competent in various fields of study including linguistics, mathematics, politics, law, technology, engineering, programing, psychology, economy, arts, medicine, forensics, biology, and others. He describes himself as a jack of all trades, master of none.
*Master Strategist & Tactician: Adriano has proven himself to be a masterful and flexible tactician. He has an undeniable talent for thinking things through well in advance, making decisive and accurate decisions quickly in battle, and seemingly perceiving any situation at hand.
*Master Martial Arts: Adriano is a master in Aikido. He is also an expert in multiple martial arts including Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and kenjutsu. He is more than capable of single-handedly incapacitating large numbers of armed opponents, including gunmen, within seconds.
*Master Marksman: He is a master marksman, highly skilled with many ranged weapons. He has perfect precision with any aimed or thrown weapon. He can hurl objects with extreme speed and accuracy, both in direct aim and complicated rebounds/interactions.
*Master Acrobat: Adriano is proficient in gymnastics and acrobatics. He can effectively use the battlefield to his advantage, flipping and jumping from wall to wall to keep his opponents unsure of his attack patterns. He can perform various acrobatic stunts, greater than the finniest human Olympic acrobat.
| - Adriano is a powerful inhuman.
Biokinesis: as a result of Terrigenesis, Adriano gained the ability to manipulate the biological structures of all organisms. He has a perfect mind to body connection. He possesses the ability to control his brain and everything his brain controls . Due to this, he is able to heal and recover from any injury including fatal ones. He has an endless lifespan due to the fact that he is capable of perfect cellular detox and regeneration which suspends his aging rendering him ageless. He doesn't need to eat, drink, breath or sleep but can still do so if he wish. His physiology is a representation of a perfect human being, even without training his muscles are lean, brawny, attractive and his body shape doesn't change no matter how much calories he intakes, always graceful and flawless. He possesses enhanced intellect, strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, endurance and durability. These abilities are instinctive requiring little to no concentration.