Eren Yōsei is a fanon character created by DemonsAnarchy. Born to the Queen of the Fairies, Titania, Eren is the result of a union between the Spriggans and the pureblood Fairies. As the child of the Queen, he is therefore the prince of his kind, and is a member of Oberon's Royal Guard. Eren is he wielder of the Sacred Gear, Anthem of the Armageddon Beast, which houses the soul of 666 (Trihexa). As a result, he is a major target of the Khaos Brigade. He was previously being experimented on by the Sajemiya Laboratory, which is secretly funded by Rizevim Livan Lucifer.
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| - Eren Yōsei is a fanon character created by DemonsAnarchy. Born to the Queen of the Fairies, Titania, Eren is the result of a union between the Spriggans and the pureblood Fairies. As the child of the Queen, he is therefore the prince of his kind, and is a member of Oberon's Royal Guard. Eren is he wielder of the Sacred Gear, Anthem of the Armageddon Beast, which houses the soul of 666 (Trihexa). As a result, he is a major target of the Khaos Brigade. He was previously being experimented on by the Sajemiya Laboratory, which is secretly funded by Rizevim Livan Lucifer.
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Hair Color
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| - Subject #306
- The Spriggan of the East
| - Fairies
- Occult Research Club
- Hyoudou Residence
- Oberon's Royal Vanguard
- Sajemiya Laboratory
| - Anthem of the Armageddon Beast
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| - Eren Yōsei is a fanon character created by DemonsAnarchy. Born to the Queen of the Fairies, Titania, Eren is the result of a union between the Spriggans and the pureblood Fairies. As the child of the Queen, he is therefore the prince of his kind, and is a member of Oberon's Royal Guard. Eren is he wielder of the Sacred Gear, Anthem of the Armageddon Beast, which houses the soul of 666 (Trihexa). As a result, he is a major target of the Khaos Brigade. He was previously being experimented on by the Sajemiya Laboratory, which is secretly funded by Rizevim Livan Lucifer.