| - The Scaled Sons are one of a handful of loyalist Space Marine chapters with rumoured to be successors of the venerable Salamanders. They believe that their gene seed leads directly back to Vulkan himself, and take great pride in this belief - although this has never been acknowledged by the Salamanders nor the High Priests of Terra. Like their suspected founders, they are renowned for their devotion to humanity, but bear an affinity for lightning fast, multi directional attacks; often incorporating land, sky, and orbital based units simultaneously.
| - The Scaled Sons are one of a handful of loyalist Space Marine chapters with rumoured to be successors of the venerable Salamanders. They believe that their gene seed leads directly back to Vulkan himself, and take great pride in this belief - although this has never been acknowledged by the Salamanders nor the High Priests of Terra. They are based from their homeworld of Odyssurne, a mostly oceanic Feral planet, and the only planet of the Odyssiette system, situated in Ultima Segmentum. From the sunken Fortress Monastery of Plato's Grave, they maintain an Imperial presence and patrol the nearby space, with the bulk of their efforts in and around the nearby Charadon Sector and Inferno Reach warp storm, in order to report and combat any emerging threats. Like their suspected founders, they are renowned for their devotion to humanity, but bear an affinity for lightning fast, multi directional attacks; often incorporating land, sky, and orbital based units simultaneously.