| - Another "children"'s paradox. Question: The universe is very big. Where does it end? Is there a border? If there is an end, a border, than what is there beyond that border? and if there is anything behind that border, where does that "space" end? at what border? and so forth. The opposite question is: when we divide matter, we go back to molecules, atoms, nuclear particles, and so forth. Is there a limit to smallness? and if so: what is there in the space smaller than that?
- Before 1981, the universe had already passed the point of collapse. Having discovered this, the Logopolitans created Charged Vacuum Emboitments which opened N-Space into another universe, E-Space, allowing entropy into E-Space. Though Logopolis was destroyed in 1981, the CVEs were rebooted and continued to feed entropy from N-Space into E-Space. (TV: Logopolis) The Mandelbrot Set informed the Grey Man and Bernice Summerfield that, due to the actions of Gabriel and Tanith in 1994, the universe would now end "several metacenturies" earlier than projected. (PROSE: Falls the Shadow)
- Finally, in 2176, the entire cast of Irregular Webcomic! (with the possible exception of Me and the Cheshire Cat and Rat) are arrayed on the Infinite Featureless Plane with Head Death demanding to know who destroyed the universe and several characters denying responsibility. At the "same time" the Cheshire Cat and rat were generating paradoxes, Me, now Death of Going Back in Time and Murdering Yourself (DoGBiTaMY) created a paradox by refusing to murder himself, Adam and Jamie created a paradox by setting off dynamite in a way that would kill their younger selves from 20 or so years earlier, the clones-of-Hitler's brains-in-jars order the activation of a time machine that is apparently capable of damaging the fabric of the universe, the Large Hadron Collider damaged the fabric of the unive
| - Another "children"'s paradox. Question: The universe is very big. Where does it end? Is there a border? If there is an end, a border, than what is there beyond that border? and if there is anything behind that border, where does that "space" end? at what border? and so forth. The opposite question is: when we divide matter, we go back to molecules, atoms, nuclear particles, and so forth. Is there a limit to smallness? and if so: what is there in the space smaller than that?
- Finally, in 2176, the entire cast of Irregular Webcomic! (with the possible exception of Me and the Cheshire Cat and Rat) are arrayed on the Infinite Featureless Plane with Head Death demanding to know who destroyed the universe and several characters denying responsibility. At the "same time" the Cheshire Cat and rat were generating paradoxes, Me, now Death of Going Back in Time and Murdering Yourself (DoGBiTaMY) created a paradox by refusing to murder himself, Adam and Jamie created a paradox by setting off dynamite in a way that would kill their younger selves from 20 or so years earlier, the clones-of-Hitler's brains-in-jars order the activation of a time machine that is apparently capable of damaging the fabric of the universe, the Large Hadron Collider damaged the fabric of the universe by causing time loops in the Shakespeare theme, and the spaceship occupied by Loren Ipsum and Ishmael passed the point where there would have been a chance for them to stop a large asteroid from crashing into the Earth. During the course of this over-arching story arc, readers learned that the Cheshire Cat can apparently travel through time without assistance. Readers also learned that the Rat was sent back through time as a test subject in the Space theme, with a cybernetic eye to send images of its travels to the ship where the time machine operates. Any additional meaning to their appearance has not yet been revealed. Coincidentally, on January 2, 2009 a glitch occurred in the domain routing that resulted in a go-kart web site homepage taking the place of IWC from approximately 01:30 UTC until 05:00 UTC, causing a number of readers to e-mail DMM accusing him of a major prank in relation to the end of the IWC Universe.
- Before 1981, the universe had already passed the point of collapse. Having discovered this, the Logopolitans created Charged Vacuum Emboitments which opened N-Space into another universe, E-Space, allowing entropy into E-Space. Though Logopolis was destroyed in 1981, the CVEs were rebooted and continued to feed entropy from N-Space into E-Space. (TV: Logopolis) The end of the universe was projected to occur in varied times, including the years 60,000,000,000 AD (AUDIO: Zagreus), 100,000,000,000,000 AD (TV: Utopia) and, in an alternate universe, 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (One hundred nonillion, 1032) AD. (PROSE: The Infinity Doctors) The Mandelbrot Set informed the Grey Man and Bernice Summerfield that, due to the actions of Gabriel and Tanith in 1994, the universe would now end "several metacenturies" earlier than projected. (PROSE: Falls the Shadow)