Attributes | Values |
| - The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand
- The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand
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dramatis personae
| - The Jedi
*Luke Skywalker; Jedi Master / farmboy
*Mara Jade Skywalker; Jedi Master
*Jaina Solo; Jedi Knight, Twin Suns Squadron leader / Goddess
*Kyp Durron; Jedi Master, Twin Suns pilot
*Corran Horn; Jedi Knight, Rogue Squadron pilot
*Tahiri Veila; Jedi student
With the New Republic Military
*General Wedge Antilles
*Colonel Tycho Celchu
*Colonel Gavin Darklighter; Rogue Squadron leader
*Captain Kral Nevil; Rogue Squadron pilot
*Flight Officer Leth Liav; Rogue Squadron pilot
*Captain Garik "Face" Loran; Wraith Squadron leader / Faka Rann / Poster boy
*Kell Tainer / Explosion boy
*Elassar Targon
*Bhindi Drayson
*Baljos Arnjak
*Iella Wessiri Antilles; Intelligence director
*Jagged Fel; Twin Suns pilot
*Zindra Daine; Twin Suns pilot
*Voort "Piggy" saBinring; Twin Suns pilot
*Beelyath; Twin Suns pilot
*Sharr Latt; Twin Suns pilot
*Tilath Keer; Twin Suns pilot
*Shawnkyr Nuruodo; Vanguard Squadron leader
*Commander Eldo Davip; captain, Lusankya
*YVH 1-1A
*Danni Quee; scientist
*Wolam Tser; holodocumentarian
*Tam Elgrin; holocam operator
*Han Solo; captain, Millennium Falcon
*Leia Organa Solo; Republic ambassador
With the Yuuzhan Vong
*Tsavong Lah; warmaster
*Czulkang Lah; commander
*Nen Yim; shaper
*Kasdakh Bhul; warrior
*Maal Lah; warrior
*Denua Ku; warrior
*Viqi Shesh; former senator / lady spy
*Harrar; priest
*Takhaff Uul; priest
*Ghithra Dal; shaper
| - *Amphistaff
*Blaze bug
*Carrion eater
*Clip beetle
*Cloaker "Ooglith masquer"
*Devourer organism
*Dovin basal
**Dovin basal mine
*Nang hul "Thud bug"
*Piranha beetle
*Razor bug
**Tracer spineray
*Yorik coral
Book name
| - Enemy Lines II - Rebel Stand
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| - *AG-2G quad laser cannon
*Bacta bandage
*Blaster pistol
**DL-44 heavy blaster pistol
*Blaster rifle
*Comm unit
*Concussion missile
*Deflector shield
*Devourer tank
*Electrical flow meter
*Goddess missile
*Gravitic amplitude modulator "Yammosk jammer"
*Gravity well projector
**Crystal Memories Model 17
*Homing beacon
**Hyperdrive motivator
*Ion cannon
*Laser cannon
*Laser rifle
*Magnetic seal
*Memory wipe
*Navigation computer
*Pasarian Memorial Atmospheric Reclamation Complex Project
*Power cell
*Proton torpedo
*Restraining bolt
*Restraining straps
*Seat of command
*Shaper headdress
*Suspended animation unit
*Tall-Yor "Cognition hood"
*Transponder code
*Vonduun Skerr Kyrric "Vonduun crab armor"
*Yaret-Kor "Plasma cannon"
| - *Escape from Aphran IV
*Great Jedi Purge
*Life Day
*Yuuzhan Vong War
**Battle of Borleias
**Battle of Coruscant "Fall of Coruscant"
**Mission to Coruscant
***Attack on the Sacred Spire
**Mission to Myrkr
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Release Date
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Cover Artist
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media type
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| - *103430
*Anti-Jedi sentiment
*Black hole
*Blue butter
*Carbon dioxide
*The Force
**Dark side of the Force
**Disturbance in the Force "Surge in the Force"
**Force sense
**Light side of the Force
**Mind trick
***Mind control
***Force Pull
***Force Push
***Saber Throw
*Force nexus "Force power"
*Garbage compactor
**Garbage Compactor 3263827
*Hyperspace / Dark space
*Jedi robe
*Jedi training
*Lightsaber duel
*May the Force be with you
*Olbio tree "Myrkr tree"
*Operation Emperor's Spear
*Orbital bombardment
*Shield trio
*Starlancer Project
*Tussins family
*Welding torch
*Yun-Harla "Trickster goddess"
*Yun-Yuuzhan "Creator god"
*Yuuzhan Vong
| - Linie wroga II: Twierdza Rebelii
Preceded By
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| - *A-9 Vigilance interceptor
*Air taxi
*B-wing starfighter "B-wing"
*B-wing/E starfighter
*BTL Y-wing starfighter "Y-wing"
*Carrack-class light cruiser
*Cargo hauler
*Death Star I
*E-wing escort starfighter "E-wing"
*Escape pod
*EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate "Nebulon-B frigate"
**Record Time
**YT-1300 light freighter "YT-Thirteen-Hundred freighter"
***Millennium Falcon
**YT-2400 light freighter
***Ammuud Swooper
*GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat "Blastboat"
*Koros-Strohna "Worldship"
**Domain Hul worldship
*Matalok / "Light cruiser analog"
*Nssis-class Clawcraft "Clawcraft"
*Reckless Abandon
*RZ-1 A-wing interceptor "A-wing"
*Sh'rip Sh'pa "Seedship"
**Lambda-class T-4a shuttle
*Star Destroyer
**Errant Venture
**Mon Mothma
**Rebel Dream
**Super Star Destroyer
*T-65 X-wing starfighter "X-wing"
**T-65J X-wing starfighter
*TIE/IN interceptor "TIE interceptor"
*Ugly Truth
*Yorik-et "Coralskipper"
**Yorik-trema "Troop carrier"
*Z-95 Headhunter
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| - *Bothan
*Mon Calamari
*Yuuzhan Vong "Scarhead"
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| - В тылу врага II: Мятежная стойкость
| - The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand
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| - Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand
| - Tras las Líneas Enemigas II: Resistencia Rebelde
| - eu/lit/novel/news20011204.html
| - *Admiral
*Aphran Planetary Exosecurity
*Corellian Engineering Corporation
*Crystal Memories
*Dark Jedi
*Domain Dal
*Domain Kraal
*Domain Lah
*Empire of the Hand
**Vanguard Squadron
*Galactic Empire
**Galactic Emperor
***Emperor's Hand
**Imperial Intelligence
*Galactic Republic "Old Republic"
*Gallofree Yards, Inc.
*Incom Corporation
*Jedi Order
*Kuat Drive Yards
*Kyp's Dozen
*New Jedi Order
**Jedi academy
**Jedi apprentice
**Jedi Knight
**Jedi Master
*New Republic
**New Republic Defense Fleet
***Fleet Group Three
****Blackmoon Squadron
*****Blackmoon Leader
*****Blackmoon Two
*****Blackmoon Three
*****Blackmoon Four
*****Blackmoon Five
*****Blackmoon Ten
*****Blackmoon Eleven
*****Flight officer
****Rogue Squadron
*****One Flight
******Rogue Leader
******Rogue Two
******Rogue Three
*****Two Flight
*****Rogue Seven
*****Rogue Eight
*****Rogue Nine
****Taanab Yellow Aces
****Twin Suns Squadron
*****One Flight
******Twin Suns Leader / "Twin Suns One"
******Twin Suns Two
*****Twin Suns Five
*****Four Flight
******Twin Suns Ten
******Twin Suns Eleven
**New Republic Intelligence Service
***Wraith Squadron
****Wraith Leader
**New Republic Senate
***New Republic Advisory Council
*Ningal's Droid Repair
*Peace Brigade
*Shamed Ones
*Supreme Overlord
*Tadening Foodmakers
*Terson Comfort Carriers
*Terson family
*Uulshos Manufacturing
*Vanguard Squadron
*Walkway Collective
*Wild Knights
**Wild One
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| - *Astromech droid
**R2-series astromech droid
*EVS Construction Droid
*Maintenance droid
*Medical droid
*Protocol droid
**3PO-series protocol droid
*Security droid
*YVH-Series battle droid
**YVH 1
| - *Alderaan
*Aphran system
**Aphran IV
*Corporate Sector
**Bluenek Section
**Catier Walkway
**Elegaic Fabrications
**Senate District "Government Center"
***Jedi Temple
*Coruscant Prime "Coruscant's sun"
**Dark Side Cave
*Pyria system
***Alderaan Biotics facility
*The Maw
**Shelter "Jedi base"
*Vankalay system
***Ningal's Droid Repair
***Presider's residence
***Vanstar Military Base
Followed By
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| - Nový řád Jedi: Nepřátelské linie II: Bašta rebelů
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Other Characters
| - *Koril Bekam
*Ninora Birt
*C-3PO "See-Threepio" / "Goldenrod"
*CPD 1-13 "One-Thirteen"
*Lando Calrissian
*Zeth Durron
*Addath Gadan
*Fasald Ghem
*Dab Hantaq "Tarc"
*Valin Horn
*Gukandar Huath
*Garm Bel Iblis
*Irek Ismaren / Lord Nyax
*Roganda Ismaren
*Shimrra Jamaane
*Wes Janson
*Tenga Javik
*Talon Karrde
*Charat Kraal
*Urman Nakk
*Raglath Nur
*Lord Nyax
*Sarcev Quest
*R2-D2 "Artoo-Detoo"
*R2-Z13 "Plug"
*Yakown Reth
*Ganner Rhysode
*Saba Sebatyne
*Ben Skywalker
*Anakin Solo
*Jacen Solo
*Dakorse Teep
*Booster Terrik
*Adray Terson
*Hasray Terson
*Hasville Terson
*Diss Ti'wyn
*Darth Vader
*Voxyn queen
*Apelben Werl
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