| - Kivas Fajo était un commerçant Zibalien au 24ème siècle. ALERTE JAUNECET ARTICLE EST INCOMPLET N'hésitez pas à [ éditer] cette page pour le terminer. Des précisions sur les informations nécessaires à compléter peuvent figurer sur la page de discussion de l'article.Vous pouvez traduire le contenu figurant dans les autres versions linguistiques de Memory Alpha ou créer un texte original.
- Fajo's personality was very childish and almost obsessive about his collection of unique items, and his speech mannerisms reflected that. He was also very controlling of others, and would often try to get his way through his brash and snippy attitude, becoming very upset if he didn't get his way. He did not care about morals or the legality of his actions.
- Kivas Fajo was a Zibalian trader in the 24th century. He was educated on the planet Iraatan V, appearing in one episode of Star Trek: the Next Generation, The Most Toys as the main antagonist of the episode. By 2366, Fajo owned a trade ship called the Jovis and had become known throughout the Stacius Trade Guild for his large collection of rare and precious items. One of his competitors was Palor Toff. Aboard the Jovis, Fajo was assisted with his collection by Varria, who began working for Fajo in 2352.
- thumb|Kivas Fajo (2366) Kivas Fajo ist ein zibalianischer Händler, Besitzer und Kommandant des Handelsschiffes Jovis und Mitglied der Stacius-Handelsgilde. Kivas Fajo beschließt 2366 sich aus dem Handel mit der instabilen Substanz Hytritium zurückzuziehen, da dies einfach zu gefährlich ist.
- Fajo owned a ship called the Jovis within which he kept his famously large collection of rare and valuable items. In 2366, Fajo attempted to add Data to his collection, faking the android's death to avoid suspicion from the crew of the USS Enterprise-D when he kidnapped Data. His ploy ultimately proved unsuccessful, Data was rescued and Fajo arrested. (TNG episode: "The Most Toys") By 2374, Fajo's collection had been sold at auction and had been bought for a large sum of money. (DS9 novel: The Fall of Terok Nor)
| - Kivas Fajo était un commerçant Zibalien au 24ème siècle. ALERTE JAUNECET ARTICLE EST INCOMPLET N'hésitez pas à [ éditer] cette page pour le terminer. Des précisions sur les informations nécessaires à compléter peuvent figurer sur la page de discussion de l'article.Vous pouvez traduire le contenu figurant dans les autres versions linguistiques de Memory Alpha ou créer un texte original.
- Fajo's personality was very childish and almost obsessive about his collection of unique items, and his speech mannerisms reflected that. He was also very controlling of others, and would often try to get his way through his brash and snippy attitude, becoming very upset if he didn't get his way. He did not care about morals or the legality of his actions. By 2366, Fajo owned a trade ship called the Jovis and had become known throughout the Stacius Trade Guild for his large collection of rare and precious items. One of his competitors was Palor Toff. Aboard the Jovis, Fajo was assisted with his collection by Varria, who began working for Fajo in 2352. In 2366, Fajo attempted to add Lieutenant Commander Data to his collection, learning that he was the only sentient android in existence. He designed an elaborate plan to kidnap Data. He produced a toxic substance called tricyanate and had it introduced into the water supply at the Beta Agni II colony, knowing that a rare substance called hytritium was the only thing that could eliminate it. Fajo supplied the USS Enterprise-D with enough to do the job. Being unsafe for the transporter and dangerous for humanoids to handle, he predicted that the captain would have Data transport it via shuttle. After disabling Data with some kind of electrical burst, Fajo's crew staged a shuttle explosion making it appear to the crew of the Enterprise that Data had been destroyed. With a seemingly innocent disaster, the Enterprise would be forced to continue its mission and declare Data deceased. In order to contain Data on the Jovis, he had a special door constructed for his collection room and had proximity-actuated field generators which impeded positron flows to protect himself and Varria from Data. He found that Data would not cooperate and would not modify his programming in order to accept his situation. It frustrated Fajo, as he considered Data just a machine, but he successfully used force by destroying Data's uniform to get him to wear special clothes, and to sit in a chair obediently by threatening to kill Varria. This backfired, however, as Varria attempted to help Data escape. Fajo's personality peaked to anger when he found out, and he killed her with a Varon-T disruptor, another of his unique items. He threatened that if Data did not return to his chair, and sit there forever, he would murder more of his own crew. Witnessing the act, Data told Fajo he could no longer allow him to continue, drew a weapon, and was apparently ready to kill him. Fortunately for Fajo, Data was transported to the Enterprise, which had deduced what had happened. Unfortunately for the trader, however, he was arrested and his collection was confiscated, all of his possessions that he had stolen would be returned to their proper owners. (TNG: "The Most Toys" )
- Fajo owned a ship called the Jovis within which he kept his famously large collection of rare and valuable items. In 2366, Fajo attempted to add Data to his collection, faking the android's death to avoid suspicion from the crew of the USS Enterprise-D when he kidnapped Data. His ploy ultimately proved unsuccessful, Data was rescued and Fajo arrested. (TNG episode: "The Most Toys") By 2374, Fajo's collection had been sold at auction and had been bought for a large sum of money. (DS9 novel: The Fall of Terok Nor) In 2376, Data recalled his encounter with Fajo when he was experiencing flashbacks as a result of exposure to the Orb of Memory. (DS9 novel: Avatar, Book One)
- thumb|Kivas Fajo (2366) Kivas Fajo ist ein zibalianischer Händler, Besitzer und Kommandant des Handelsschiffes Jovis und Mitglied der Stacius-Handelsgilde. Kivas Fajo beschließt 2366 sich aus dem Handel mit der instabilen Substanz Hytritium zurückzuziehen, da dies einfach zu gefährlich ist. Fajo ist für seine große Sammlung seltener und einzigartiger Objekte bekannt. Einer seiner Rivalen ist der Sammler Palor Toff. Auf dem Schiff wird er von seiner Assistentin Varria bei der Erweiterung seiner Sammlung unterstützt, sie wird bereits 2352 als Kind von Kivas Fajo in die Crew aufgenommen. Im Jahr 2366 versucht Fajo den Androiden Data als Krönung seiner Sammlung aufzunehmen. Glücklicherweise wird Fajo aber kurz darauf von der Crew der USS Enterprise gestellt und verhaftet. Fajos Sammlung wird aufgelöst und die Objekte ihren rechtmäßigen Besitzern übergeben. (TNG: )
- Kivas Fajo was a Zibalian trader in the 24th century. He was educated on the planet Iraatan V, appearing in one episode of Star Trek: the Next Generation, The Most Toys as the main antagonist of the episode. By 2366, Fajo owned a trade ship called the Jovis and had become known throughout the Stacius Trade Guild for his large collection of rare and precious items. One of his competitors was Palor Toff. Aboard the Jovis, Fajo was assisted with his collection by Varria, who began working for Fajo in 2352. In 2366, Fajo attempted to add Lieutenant Commander Data to his collection. When the water supply at the Beta Agni II colony became contaminated with tricyanate, Fajo supplied the USS Enterprise-D with hytritium, tricyanate's only known antidote, ferried in shuttles as it was too unstable for safe transporter use. After disabling Data, Fajo staged a shuttle explosion making it appear to Starfleet and the crew of the Enterprise that Data had been destroyed. When Data initially refused to cooperate, Fajo's threatened to kill Varria unless Data did as he was told. Meanwhile, after discovering that Beta Agni's contamination came from sabotage, not a natural disaster, the Enterprise crew became suspicious of the trader who had provided exactly enough of the rare counteragent, and needed to hear only a few pieces of Fajo's collection to conclude that Data had likely been added to it. The Enterprise set a pursuit course for the Jovis. When Varria attempted to help Data escape, Fajo's personality peaked to anger, and he killed her with a Varon-T disruptor, showing no remorse. He then threatened Data to either return to his chair and sit there with no hope of escape or he will kill others so that the blood will be on Data's hands. Witnessing the act, and without knowledge that the Enterprise was returning for him, Data prepared to kill Fajo with the Disruptor, concluding logically that Fajo's very existence conflicted with Data's own regard for life. Fortunately for Fajo, Data was transported to the Enterprise just as he opened fire and Fajo's life was spared, the Enterprise arriving just in time. Unfortunately for the trader, however, he was arrested and his collection was confiscated.