B.I.S. (an acronym of "Born In Space") is a resistance group led by Deckson Geyse in Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars. The group originates in the space colonies, and is frequently mistaken for a terrorist organization.
Attributes | Values |
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- BiS
- BiS
- BiS
- Bis
- Bis
| - bis invariable [ˈbis] prononciations
* l. : [ˈbis] 1.
* bis, une seconde fois 1.
* permission de biner, de dire deux fois la messe références
* R1 : Mistral 1879Catégorie:ProvençalCatégorie:Languedocien
* R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien <a href="http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf">http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf</a> en ligne, Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, Ubaud 2011Catégorie:Languedocien, , , Alibert 1997Catégorie:Languedocien
- BiS is an abbreviation referring to "best in slot" items. Some players consider such "BiS lists" to be absolute, while others consider best in slot to be relative to your other gear and/or play style.
- B.I.S. (an acronym of "Born In Space") is a resistance group led by Deckson Geyse in Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars. The group originates in the space colonies, and is frequently mistaken for a terrorist organization.
- BiS - rosyjski duet
- Bis is the childhood friend of Dastan.
- Founded: 1995 Headquarters: Glasgow, Scotland
- The acronym BIS may refer to:
* Bank for International Settlements
* Bureau of Indian Standards
* Bureau of Industry and Security (U.S.)
* Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (U.K.)
* Federal Office for Security in Information Technology (Germany)
- Bis – powtórzenie danego utworu na koncercie na życzenie publiczności. Wykonawca może uznać że widzowie chcą bisu wtedy, gdy wywołają go zza kulis by się jeszcze raz ukłonił więcej niż piętnaście razy. __BEZSPISU__
- Bis (or the Balconies of Bis as it is sometimes called) is a neighborhood in the Varisian city of Kaer Maga. Located within the western wall of the city, it is home to a family of famed golem-crafters, the Ardocs.
- Bis es un grupo musical de idols femeninas proveniente de Japón formado en 2010. Empezaron siendo cuatro miembros. Actualmente son cinco miembros. Su música es producida por Kenta Matsuguma. En 16 de marzo(Wakisaka Yurika) y el 26 mayo (Terashima Yufu) del 2013 las integrantes anunciaron su dimisión. El 26 de mayo del 2013 también se anuncia que habrán 3 nuevas integrantes, Tentenko, Kamiya Saki y First Summer Uika. Michell seguirá con sus actividades con BiS hasta el 22 de Septiembre.
- BIS is short for Bundesamt für Innere Sicherheit (Federal Office for Internal Security). This German authority deals with terrorism, counter-espionage, treason, organized crime and also megacorporate activities. The BIS also monitors the German state governments and their loyality to the Federal Government in Hannover. Work is done mostly by highly trained undercover operatives but in times of need the armed forces of the Bundesgrenzschutz (or any other police) can be requested. (Unlike the BKA that shares some of its responsibilities the BIS is rather a secret service than a police.)
- In a 1997 interview, John Disco cited Peel as an example of someone whose age was less important than his musical perspective: "He's done what he's wanted to do throughout his life. He's 54 or something, and even though he still listens to some of the stuff that he liked when he was eighteen, he also likes to listen to drum-and-bass stuff. Some people don't like him because they don't think he should still be a youth icon--because he's that old. But I don't think people should criticize him for that. I think they should compliment him." [1]
- BIS is short for Bundesamt für Innere Sicherheit (Federal Office for Internal Security). Unlike the BKA, which shares some of its responsibilities, the BIS is a secret service rather than a police force. This German authority deals with terrorism, counter-espionage, treason, organized crime and also megacorporate activities. The BIS also monitors the German state governments and their loyalty to the Federal Government in Hannover.
- The Bis Kingdom was founded on the Fertile eastern coast of the Phenixican Continent, the Bis people founded a village on the mouth of a fresh water river and named it Kitar which was Old Phenixican for 'Wealth' The settlment lived up to it's name, it was the only settlement with a direct trading route with the Dragonese Empire and this allowed them to import materials like marble and exotic animals. The city only had a population of about 11,000 and no army to speak of except for hired mercenaries.
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| - Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
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| - Member of the Persian Army
| - The Bis Kingdom was founded on the Fertile eastern coast of the Phenixican Continent, the Bis people founded a village on the mouth of a fresh water river and named it Kitar which was Old Phenixican for 'Wealth' The settlment lived up to it's name, it was the only settlement with a direct trading route with the Dragonese Empire and this allowed them to import materials like marble and exotic animals. The city only had a population of about 11,000 and no army to speak of except for hired mercenaries. The leaders of the early kingdom were simply members who could afford the title of King, the position was a elected position but most of them simply bribed there way to the top and this made the Bis Kingdom very corrupt with enough money you could buy anything you wanted and with no real police force or even a army to fill in for a police force there was no need. What brought the downfall of the early Bis 'golden age' was when there borders clashed with the Druk Republic who was the fifth tribe if Phenixicans who also had the most powerful military by far. Seeing the Bis corruption as a disgrace to the tribes the Druk's declared war and invaded. They burnt Kitar to the ground and only when the Ruidian Kingdom came into the war againts the Druks, did the Bis manage to survive. When the Rudians conquered the other kingdoms to make a fragile Rudian Empire the Bis Kingdom got it's leader of a age,Queen Kathrine the Reformer who tried to bring about a honest glory. She was a priestess in the Phoenix Church and killed the Council of Merchants and banned it in the Kingdom. But sadly she died during the battle that won the Kingdoms there independence and her son was sent to the Phoenix Temple in Phenixica to be looked after as a orphan. Things quickly went back to normal, the infrastructure of the Merchants was still there and the Council came back harsher then ever and raised the price for the King position giving nobody a chance to get the job.
- BIS is short for Bundesamt für Innere Sicherheit (Federal Office for Internal Security). Unlike the BKA, which shares some of its responsibilities, the BIS is a secret service rather than a police force. This German authority deals with terrorism, counter-espionage, treason, organized crime and also megacorporate activities. The BIS also monitors the German state governments and their loyalty to the Federal Government in Hannover. Work is done mostly by highly trained undercover operatives but in times of need the elite armed forces of the Bundesgrenzschutz (or any other police) can be requested. BIS does have its own team of Matrix commandos known as Einheit 13 (“Unit 13”).
- bis invariable [ˈbis] prononciations
* l. : [ˈbis] 1.
* bis, une seconde fois 1.
* permission de biner, de dire deux fois la messe références
* R1 : Mistral 1879Catégorie:ProvençalCatégorie:Languedocien
* R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien <a href="http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf">http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf</a> en ligne, Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, Ubaud 2011Catégorie:Languedocien, , , Alibert 1997Catégorie:Languedocien
- BiS is an abbreviation referring to "best in slot" items. Some players consider such "BiS lists" to be absolute, while others consider best in slot to be relative to your other gear and/or play style.
- B.I.S. (an acronym of "Born In Space") is a resistance group led by Deckson Geyse in Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars. The group originates in the space colonies, and is frequently mistaken for a terrorist organization.
- BiS - rosyjski duet
- Bis is the childhood friend of Dastan.
- Founded: 1995 Headquarters: Glasgow, Scotland
- The acronym BIS may refer to:
* Bank for International Settlements
* Bureau of Indian Standards
* Bureau of Industry and Security (U.S.)
* Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (U.K.)
* Federal Office for Security in Information Technology (Germany)