| - Link > Cloud was an absolute lock here, and it probably always will be in every match they have together from now on barring insane SFF hijinx, like a fourway poll with Link, Mario, Samus and Cloud in it. And even then, watch Link still win anyway. Cloud had the standard early troubles, with Samus this time, but thanks to the assist from Link he was able to dispatch her with ease. More fun with numbers: Final Fantasy 7 - 63418 Link - 55996
| - Link > Cloud was an absolute lock here, and it probably always will be in every match they have together from now on barring insane SFF hijinx, like a fourway poll with Link, Mario, Samus and Cloud in it. And even then, watch Link still win anyway. Cloud had the standard early troubles, with Samus this time, but thanks to the assist from Link he was able to dispatch her with ease. I know I'm supposed to say something about how impressive it was Samus outdid Sephiroth here, but I can't find myself caring much about a battle for third place. To me, this means about as much as the Tails/Boss duel did all the way back in round 1. And given how late-round bandwagons can operate, you always see weird overperformances and underperformances late in every contest. Granted this match in part telegraphed Samus going even with Cloud forever in 2010 along with Sephiroth's perpetual decline, but that stuff didn't really need to be confirmed anyway. We could all see it coming. Although with that said, Samus standing up to Link better than Sephiroth stood up to Cloud was impressive given the SFF history between Square and Nintendo. Doesn't make this match at all interesting, though, since Link > Cloud here was a lock from day 1. And without L-Block getting in the way, it would have been a lock in the final as well. More fun with numbers: Final Fantasy 7 - 63418 Link - 55996