- Magnetite was a metallic iron ore. It was the primary constituent of Antar 4. Magnetite could be cleaned off objects with a talking magnetite cleaner.
- Magnetite is the most magnetic type of rock in the world. It is so magnetic that it is able to hold and lock an anomaly inside it and be able to move it around. The Sun Cage, formerly in the British Museum and then moved to Pyongyang, was constructed of magnetite in ancient Egypt and contains an anomaly which has remained trapped inside it ever since. In episode Episode 5.6, Connor and Matt use an adapted Sun Cage called the Magnetic Case to move the New Dawn Prototype Anomaly to the New Dawn Anomaly in order for them to merge them together to stop Convergence
- Magnetite is an item in Cyberspace. It can erase memory. There are two known forms, blue and glowing red rocks (the blue form can be turned into confetti) Red affects cyborgs individually-what one borg gets varies from the next borg, even if they are related. Blue affects cyborgs based on nationality. Against cyborgs, it has adverse effects, from none to fatal. The level of damage from magnetite ranges. The Cybersquad and Digit are immune to its effects. For the kids, it is because they are from Earth. For Digit, it is because he has a special wiring that makes him immune. Motherboard is very vulnerable to Magnetite due to her delicate wiring.
- Magnetite, also known as Magnities, is an enemy in Final Fantasy V. It uses Magnet to pull party members in the back row to the front, but has no direct physical attack.
- Magnetite is a raw material found abundantly in the Mountains, Mountain Range Caves, as well as within the Jelly Shroom Caves. Magnetite can be found as a large resource deposit.
- So if you see these kinds of rocks, then Magnetite might be nearby. Some Magnetite patches might also be found a bit deeper in the Stalactite layer amongst Siltstone or Stalactite. You need a Stone Mining Cell to mine/pull Magnetite blocks. Magnetite is rather rare, but if you find one block, then dig around it and you'll usually find more Magnetite blocks connected to each other. Magnetite is needed to craft Obsidian Mining Cells, Teleporters and Fans (ventilators).
- Magnetite is within the bodies of humans and can be used to boost the magnetic field needed to summon demons using the Demon Summoning Program. After Seth is summoned in the body of Loki and Ohara's child, Isma Feed speculates that the only reason a high level demon like Seth was able to enter the human world in even that makeshift body was because of the high amounts of Magnetite in Yumiko Shirasagi. Isma and Seth then used Seth's power to draw in thousands of humans from the surrounding cities to be sacrificed in a tower of human flesh, their Magnetite used to build Seth's true body and merge the Atziluth and Assiah worlds.
- Magnetite is a ferrimagnetic mineral with chemical formula Fe3O4, one of several iron oxides and a member of the spinel group. The chemical IUPAC name is iron(II,III) oxide and the common chemical name ferrous-ferric oxide. The formula for magnetite may also be written as FeO·Fe2O3, which is one part wüstite (FeO) and one part hematite (Fe2O3). This refers to the different oxidation states of the iron in one structure, not a solid solution. Magnetite is a valuable source of iron ore. It dissolves slowly in hydrochloric acid.
- Magnetite is the most magnetic of all naturally occurring minerals on Earth. It is found throughout the world and is a valuable source of iron. It was significant to the conspiracy because of its effects on alien physiology and spacecraft. New Mexico was known to have vast sources of magnetite. When a UFO flew overhead in 1947, the magnetite caused the ship to crash. (TXF: "The Truth")
- I magnetiti erano demonietti dalla pelle verde che reggevano pesanti calamite, al servizio di Exdeath. Sorvegliavano la torre barriera supportando gli altri mostri, utilizzando le loro calamite per attirare verso di loro i nemici.